Untitled Part 6

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Adam looked at the teen completely shocked, this was the first time he'd heard this. Jordan looked at the detective and looked back to the table.

"When did this happen?" Adam got his voice back.

"I met Woods when I was eight, from the start I knew something was off with him I never knew what till now. The night after I met him my dad got called into work so I asked Justin about him he said that he got the same bad vibe I got so he said to stay away from him which I did. Right around my ninth birthday is when it started". Jordan spoke.

"What started?" He was afraid to know.

"When my dad, Justin, anyone wasn't around he'd pop out out of nowhere. Adam, I didn't wanna do what he made me".

The young detective was getting sick to his stomach, what had the son of bitch done to her when she was a child? Had he crossed a line he shouldn't have?

"Jo did he ever hurt you or cross any lines?"

"He wasn't that stupid. When he came around he'd wanted information on my dad, where he went, what he did, if he brought any money home, stuff like that. I told him that my dad acted like a normal guy, he didn't do anything, didn't go anywhere, didn't bring anything home. I told him the truth but he didn't believe me he thought I was lying, to cover for my dad".

"Did you tell anyone?"

"I couldn't, he wouldn't let me. Said if I lied or told anyone he'd have me taken from my dad. I wanted to tell anyone but I couldn't".

"Nobody knew?"

"My dad and Justin suspected something was going on they didn't know what, Justin he's the best brother ever. After he picked me up from school one day he said he had an errand to run but he went to see Woods I don't know what he did or said but the next day Woods was really pissed that Justin went to see him. He then accused me of telling him and lying about it. One day dad left me with Uncle Alvin and Aunt Meredith, I told him that I had this friend that she had to do something she didn't wanna do and if she told she'd get in trouble. He figured it was me but he told me I should go to an adult I trust and come clean. I was ready to come clean time and time again but I couldn't, I was scared that I might get taken. For two straight weeks I woke up scared to death thinking I got taken because I told".

Adam pushed some hair behind her ear giving her a sad gentle look. "You don't have to be scared or afraid anymore sweetie".

Jordan was starting to shake, she was scratching her arms wanting to cut again the teen was still going through alcohol withdrawal. He gently took her hands in one of his hands, he used his other hand to go over her swollen lip and cut eye.

"Jo who beat you up?"

"I was suppose to go to a home for teen girls, I didn't. That bitch brought me to a different home, Adam she put me in a house with a guy. The guy knows my dad, he wants to make my dad pay look what he did so far".

"Alright that's it".

Adam got up from his chair and marched to his room getting his phone which caused Jordan to get up out of her chair.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm calling you're dad and the others".

"Have you gone insane? Adam my dad will kill Woods and this bastard, I'm trying to prevent my dad from going to jail right now not put him there".

"Jordan he needs to know".

"I know he does but don't tell him. It needs to come from me, I need to fully explain everything. Besides you know as well as I do the other can't know".

My JobOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora