Untitled Part 15

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Hank felt his heart race in his chest, was his little girl alright? Was she alive? Was she...dead?

"How's Jordan?" Hank asked, fear and worry in his voice.

"Hank, Jordan's gonna be fine. We were able to relive all the pressure on her brain, she's in recovery now". Connor explains to the older father.

Hank sighed in great relief, his baby was going to be ok and she was alive.

"Can I see her?"

"Of course".

Connor brought the older father to his daughter's room, once at her room Hank looked from the outside. A painful expression on his face, Denny did this. He almost had Jordan killed again, his former partner is now taking things to a new level and if Denny was willing to go this route so was Hank.

The older father entered the room heading to his little girl's side, he took one of her hands and brushed her hair back then kissed her forehead.

"Hey sweetheart, it's ok now daddy's here. I won't let anyone else hurt you. You'll be ok sweet girl, I'll get everyone who's responsible. They'll all pay". Hank whispers.

Jordan didn't move or respond to her father she was still out cold, the only noise in the room were the machines, Jordan's breathing, and now Hank's broken sobs.


Kevin and Adam were still at the juvie center, they were going around trying to find the guard who let Jordan get attacked. As they were walking they found him, Adam was instantly fired up but Kevin held his partner back.

"Can I help you". The guard said.

"Yeah, Chicago PD. We'd like to talk to you about something". Kevin answered.

"What about?"

"Jordan Voight". Adam said sharply.

He tried to run but Adam quickly snatched him back by the back of his shirt.

"Get your ass back here. Let's start with a name".

"Ryan O'Connor. Look whatever you do please don't tell Voight I let Jordan get jumped".

"We curious to why you let that happen". Kevin spoke sharply.

"I was paid off, I got 50 grand to look the other way".

"Let me guess, Denny Woods paid you. Didn't he?" Adam asked bitterly.

"Yes, said something how he needed Jordan out of his way. He said it was supposed to be small not that".

"Who are the give punks that jumped her?"

"Dominic Strait. Andy Mays. Jacob Fields. Isaac Carlson. Nick Oliver. Woods told them if they did it he'd have all their charges dropped against them".

"What are they in for?" Kevin asked.

"Different things. Dominic is in for joyriding, Andy, Jacob, and Isaac are all in for assault, assault and battery, and assault with a deadly weapons, Nick is in for underage drinking charges. Woods told them if they jumped Jordan he'd let them off the hook for everything".

"And you just stood by and let it happen!" Adam yelled, as he charged at the man.

Kevin then had to pull his partner back. "Hey! Hey back off Ruz, take a walk man".

"I think that's a good idea".

Adam stormed off while Kevin looked back at the guard as he looked on with a fearful expression.

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