Untitled Part 17

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The last chapter


After going over the plan with his team, Hank knew how he was gonna bring down his former partner. He was gonna bring down the son of a bitch and make him pay for what he did to his little girl.

Jordan still wasn't allowed to leave the hospital and due to her recent escapes Hank made sure someone stayed with her the whole time. The teen felt as if she was being punished and smothered by her father's overprotectiveness, she knew he'd be like this after everything that happened.

Late one evening Hank went to Denny's house to talk, looking at the wooden door in front of him he knocked. Denny heard someone knocking on his door, he opened it to see his former partner there.

"Come in, drink?" Denny says.

"No thanks". Hank answered.

"I'll cut to the chase then. There's a witness who placed little Jordan and Bigham the night of the murder, all she has to do is confess to what really happens or she can riot behind bars like you did. After all it runs in the family".

Hank growled clenching his fist together tightly. While Hank and Denny were talking the team was outside listening to everything, they were finally gonna get the son of a bitch for everything he did to the teen.

Jordan sat in the passenger seat in a car with Antonio and Alvin, it took a hell of a lot persuading for Jordan to finally get them to say yes. It started with her and Woods, it's gonna end with her and Woods. All they had to do was wait.

Denny had poured himself a drink and sat down, Hank sat across from his former partner. He had his fist balled up tightly ready to swing.

"Maybe I will take one of the bourbons you're offering. Ya know I gotta ask, why Jordan? What she ever do?"

"I told her to back off and stay out of our business, it's not a child's place to get involved in what we're dealing with".

"So that gave you the right to set her up? Get jumped in jail? She nearly died twice because of you. I almost died because of you".

"Prove it was me".

"Denny there's surveillance footage showing you planting the drugs and money in Jordan's bag".

The older man stayed silent, he thought he got rid of all the evidence. Hank looked down smirking, there was no footage but Denny didn't know that. Taking a drink of the bourbon Hank continued.

"How'd things get so crazy between us? We were partners. Friends".

"You came after me, you're daughter came after me. Like father, like daughter".

" You left me no choice, you crossed a line. And don't turn this around on Jordan, she's the innocent one here".

Ignoring the last comment Denny continued. "Once in thirty two years?"

"Denny, you planted a gun on an innocent man. You dragged my daughter into this. That's something I can't and won't abide by. You crossed a serious line with me when you started messing with my daughter".

Taking a sip of his drink he shrugged his shoulder. "Jordan wanted to play a grown up game, she can deal with the consequences".

Hank was two seconds away from snapping. Out in the car, Jordan felt her heart racing in her chest. Antonio and Alvin saw their niece getting upset, they each put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"It's almost over Jo". Alvin said.

"Yeah. Almost". Jordan says.

"Not something you can abide? Just who the hell are you? Dirtiest damn cop in all of Chicago, who can abide or not abide my actions".

My Jobजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें