Untitled Part 9

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There was a loud Bang! Jordan jumped and let go of her uncle as Kenny hit the floor clutching his bleeding shoulder. Jordan then went beside her uncle pressing down, her eyes were wide and full of terror.

"Uncle Kenny". Jordan says terrified.

"You son of a bitch!" Kenny cursed.

"Said the cop". The guy snapped.

"Look whatever you do, don't hurt my niece alright she's a kid. I know her and she's telling you the truth she doesn't deal, sell, any of it, she doesn't have any money".

"Then why were we told differently?"

"I don't know but she's not like that I swear, she's just an innocent kid. You can do whatever you want to me but leave her alone".

"It don't even matter about the supplies or the money, she's a cop's kid. More importantly she's Voight's kid, I'm sure if he wants to see her alive again he'd do whatever I say".

"You knew who her father was the whole time?"

"Of course I knew, I couldn't have it get out that we got his kid you think we stupid?"

"Messing with her clearly you were more than stupid".

The guy then raised his gun to Jordan as she hid down, Kenny saw that and sat himself up as pain shot through his shoulder and more blood came out.

"Hey put that down man it ain't got to come to this, alright. Let her go and keep me I'm the one you want".

"Nah I don't think so, you maybe a cop but she's our ticket to get whatever we want".

The teen went back to her uncle's side and curled up beside him gripping his shirt. Kenny used his good arm to keep his niece in a protective hold.

"I can get you whatever you want with a phone call just let her go".

No. Y'all can stay down here till I decide what to do".

He then turned and headed upstairs and slammed the basement door locking it. Jordan then got out of her uncle's hold and looked to his shoulder, tears poured down her face as terror was painted on her face.

"Uncle Kenny are you gonna die?" Jordan asked tearfully.

"No I'm not sweetheart". Kenny told her gently.

"I wanna go home. I want my dad".

"Jo, I need you to listen to me ok sweetie".


"First, I need you to calm down alright take a few deep breaths and relax. I maybe shot right now but ain't nobody gonna hurt you while I'm around right now. Not if I have anything to say about it. Second, do you still have the phone I gave you earlier?"

"Yeah I hid it so they wouldn't find it".

"Listen to me carefully, call your father, someone on the team, tell them my cover is broke and that we need help now. Get then to trace the phone if they can".

Jordan nodded and quickly got the phone out and dialed the number she knew by heart, as it rang she sat right back at her uncle's side. When it picked up tears were brought to her eyes when she heard a familiar gruff voice.

-Voight. Hank answered.

-Daddy? Jordan says.

District 21

Denny had just shut down the unit and they all had 24 hours to pack up there stuff and all their files but instead of packing they continued to find Jordan. They waited till Woods left to continue searching.

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