Untitled Part 10

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The teen looked at the surgeon with a fearful look in her eye, she held onto Erin's hand the whole time. The Intelligence team looked on as well they were all hopeful that their boss, friend, and mentor was ok but more importantly alive.

"How's my dad?" Jordan asked.

"Jordan you're father he's fine right now, we had trouble controlling the bleeding he may need a second surgery but for the moment he's fine. He's in the ICU and he's resting right now". Connor told the teen.

Everyone breathed in relief, Jordan was finally able to breath again. Her father was alive and ok she looked back at the surgeon with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Can I see him?"

"Of course".

Before she left the teen looked back at Erin. "Come with me? Please".

"Let's go sweetie". Erin says.

The two head to the ICU while Connor stayed behind with the others, Alvin headed over to the young surgeon.

"Hey doc, be for real right now. Is Hank gonna make it?" Alvin asked.

"The bullet in his leg nicked an artery and it took us a while to control the bleeding. He did need a small transfusion. As I said before he's stable and resting. Hank may need a second surgery if the bleeding starts again". Connor explained to the team.

"Is he going to live?" Alvin's voice rose a bit.

"Al take it down a notch". Adam says to his old partner.

"I'm not gonna take it down, I don't want my goddaughter's hopes up and then having them crushed. That's not happening".

"Hank is still critical were watching him like a hawk, I'm hopeful he'll make a full recovery".

"Hey I'm sorry, I don't want Jordan getting her hopes up and something happens".

"I understand completely. I'll check in on him later".

Everyone nodded and sighed in relief at least they knew that their fearless leader was alive. Hank was able to cheat a lot of things but could he cheat death?

Jordan and Erin were now in the ICU and got Hank's room number, when they found his room the teen was ready to burst into tears again. Hank was laying on the bed unconscious, he had breathing tubes in his nose, his arm was in a big white cast and so was his leg. The teen ran over beside her father and sat down.

"Daddy you gotta wake up. You promised to never leave me. Please wake up". Jordan cried.

Erin stood behind Jordan rubbing a hand up and down her back, tears were burning in her own eyes. Seeing her father figure like this was extremely hard. It was no secret that being a cop is hard and he got injured every now and then on the job, but she had never once seen Hank like this.

"When I was little and you got me from school saying something happened to dad, I was scared. I thought was this it? Was I gonna lose him? Erin, I'm really scared this time what if he doesn't make it?" Jordan was crying harder.

"Hey let's not think like that alright, Dr. Rhodes said he's fine. He's stable". Erin said gently.

"I....don't...want him...to die".

"He's not going to, you're dad is the strongest, toughest, bravest man I have ever met and besides he's too stubborn to die".

"I just want him back".

"Me too honey, me too".

The two girl kept looking at him, Hank was laying on the bed still unconscious as his mind began to wonder.

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