chapter 2

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Emrie's pov

The party's going strong. People are drinking, vaping, and even stripping. Classic young adult party.

I squeeze through the crowd and find Veronica at the bar. "Hey Nika!" I smile. She turns to face me, "yo! This party is LIIIIT!"she shouts, throwing her hands in peace signs. God, she's drunk, but I love her!

We decide to take shots. When we do, my other friend Kassidy who is also in my group came over to us and chanted, "GO! GO! GO!" We drank wildly. We laugh and talk for a while, I go out to try and find Alexis. She is with guys right now. God, she is drunk, they're gonna fuck her. Ehh, whatever, not like she gives a shit!

I spot Alina with Veronica. They're cursing, and cracking jokes in russian. Oh god, did I mention that they are both crazy russians? Well, they ARE! (We totally are in real life)
I walk toward Nadia who is the only sober one in this room. She refuses to drink. I don't even know why! "Hey, girl!" I shout to her, dancing along to the music. "Hey emrie! Drunk off your ass again?" She smirks. I nod and hop onto a table and begin dancing. What the hell am I doing? Ha! I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!

I drop and all the people cheer. I dance some more then, being very exhausted, hop off the table.

I stumble to the pool where people are splashing, skinny dipping, and trashing. I had tl pull someone out of the pool because they were drunk off they're minds and I don't want dead people on my property.

Holy shit! It's 1am and the party's sill going strong! I really need to shut it down soon, or, at least until someone is drunk enough to pull a gun out. Trust me! That has happened at Alina's party before! She barely dodged the fucking bullet!

I spot a cute guy staring at me. Oh fuck that's Matt! The hottest guy in school! He bites his lip and walks over to me. "Hey there!" He says. "Hi Matt!" I manage to say with my mouth full of beer. "This is the best party ever by the way!" He smirks. "Oh, thanks!" I smirk back. "You wanna dance?" He asks. "Hell yeah I do!" I shout. He laughs. He pulls me in and we start dancing to the song. Damn, he is a good dancer!


Shit! It's been hours! I am shutting this down because people will start barfing soon.

I manage to get everone out of my house and I lock the door. I take a huge breath of relief and suddenly, I barf right on the rug. Shit! Matt walks over to me and helps me up. "You good babe?" He asks. Babe? "What's babe all about?" I giggle. "Aww, just coz our really pretty!" He slurs. "Oh?" I reply, crossing my arms. "Aww, fuck! Listen Emrie! You are beautiful, funny, and a hella good dancer! I want you to be mine! So, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, squeezing his eyes shut. I am shocked. The hottest guy wants me? "Yes!" I slip out of my mouth. "Awesome babe!" He says, biting his lip. He gives me a small kiss on the lips before leaving. Gross. Did he forget that I just threw up? Oh god, I am so sorry Matt!

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