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Emrie's pov

Well, shit. I have to leave back to Pennsylvania today.
Everyone and everything was/were great here in LA. Even the rough sex with Jake.
Ha! I still can't believe that I am Jake Paul's sex bitch. No, jk, I'm not a bitch, even though I am secretly fucking Erica costells boyfriend behind her back.


Alina is crying like crazy right now on the plane because she misses Grayson already. I miss Jake but Geez! Alina chill the fuck out!
Erin is passed out in her seat and I read some stories on wattpad.
I suddenly get a text from Alexis.
Why did you go 2 LA withought meeeee?!?!?!
Sorry Lex Lina was pretty quick bout it! We're coming back tho rn!!!
K bitch better invite me next time!!!
Kk cya bitch!!!
I know that it's pretty weird that we're best friends but call each other bitches but it's for the text thingy.
Wow, it hasn't even been one hour and Alina is already on the phone with Grayson. Typical Alina. I chuckle and lean back. My legs hurt like hell from how hard Jake was fucking me. And, HOOOOOO! My fucking vagina hurts bad.
Fuck, well that was awkward to say.


Oh god, that plane ride was exhausting.
Well well well. I got a text from Jake Paul.
Lets read it....
Better not find any other guys while your over there.
K good pep talk.
I roll my eyes and shove my phone into my pocket only to receive another text from Jake.
Are you getting sassy with me? If you are then the next time I see you your gonna get fucked hard.
Better be.

He is such a jerk. My sexy hot jerk. God I sound like some weird 12 year old who talks only about Jake Paul. #mewheniwas12.
Lol #Relatable.
"Hey guys!" I hear Kassidy yell. We look to our right to see Kassidy, Alexis, Nadia, and Veronica, all standing there.
We rush up and hug them.
"So, where is Kayli?" I ask.
They all look at each other and then shrug.
"She has been acting distant lately." Nadia says slowly.
"Maybe she was hitting up guys?" Asks Alexis.
"Omigod Lex, you and you're dirty mind!" Laughs Alina, playfully shoving her. They both giggle. I roll my eyes chuckling. I have some crazy friends.


So we ended up having a sleepover at Kassidy's mansion. She is really rich.
"Okay, Alexis! Truth or dare?" Kassidy asks Alexis.
"Bitch ya know I'm all about the dare!" She slurrs, drunk off of Kassidy's beer. Kat smirks and says her dare, "make out with Emrie for ten seconds!"
We laugh and I say, "is this supposed to be just like the movie truth or dare or something?"
Kassidy shrugs and we go for it.
We pull away and realize how idiotic we look . We both face palm and laugh.
"Okay okay! Erin! Truth or dare?" Alexis asks. "Dare!" Erin shouts.
Lex smirks. Oh boy.
Erin ends up running through the street with just her bra and panties, which were mostly lace. Omigod! She was so red! She came back and tackled Alexis to the ground. We all laugh with beer bottles in our hands.
We have chugging contests and all that teenage shit.
I take a deep breath and tell them about the whole, being Jake Paul's sex bitch and hiding it from Erica.
They all stare at me with bugged out eyes except Erin and Alina. "Aww, no fair!" Veronica yells. I shake my head, "Nika, he fucked me right through my core!"
She quiets down and giggles, "oops!"
I decided to face time with Jake and when he opened it he saw all of my friends and they all stared at me, then him. "Hey Jaaake! These are my girls! Don't worry, they'll keep our secret!"
"Bad move baby." He smirks. I shiver, just seeing him turns me on. Fuck.
We face time for a while and finally go to sleep. 

Wooooo!!! Longer chapter ppl. Lol, ik that it's fucking tiny.

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