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I'm reaaaaallly sorry for not updating in months. I really wasn't feeling up to it mostly because it got boring for me and no ones reading it up to this point. I'll try to continue this faster  enjoy.✌
And btw, u gotta listen to this song while reading this. "Big plans" why don't we❤❤

Jake's pov

I took a deep breath and tried to be as quiet as possible. All of us were hiding.

We hear her footsteps and shout,

"WHAT THE FUCK!" She screams, spilling her latte all over the floor.
She looks angry but we see the smirk on her face.

"Happy birthday Emrie" chance says
Along with the rest of the gang.

I'm pretty sure I got her the perfect gift, along with several other gifts. But this one is the best I think, holding up a small box. I take a deep breath.

"Let's eat, play games and stuff, then at the end of the day, let's open presents," Nick explains.
We all nod.

Emrie's pov

I feel like crying, I had no idea it was my birthday. I was so happy.

Jake grabs my hand and pulls me into the kitchen. Everyone else follows.

On the table was a beautiful cake with my name on it.

"Its chocolate," says Jake.

I hug him and everyone else.
They start singing happy birthday to me. Of course I cringed a bit but it was sweet.

We ate cake and pizza and just bonded for a while.

Jake filmed the whole thing. Obviously. We went to the backyard where there were a ton of games set up. We had so much fun.

At one point we played spin the bottle. Jake made sure it would land on me every time. He never filmed us kissing though.
Youtube still didn't know we were dating.

Erica was gone, she just disappeared one day randomly. No one knew where and no one cared because she was a real bitch to team 10 lately.

We were partying for a long time, but it was great. Once we went Inside, we began opening presents.
I got Gucci shoes, a Gucci bag, and a Gucci belt from Chance.

Some really expensive perfume and makeup from Nick, (no idea boys knew how to shop for girls)

I got a $500 gift card at my favorite store from anthony

And so much more good stuff from the rest of the gang.

I didn't get a gift from Jake which kinda confuzzled me.

The sun was setting, we were all getting tired but jake led me to the roof.

"What's up Jake?" I ask.

"Emrie" he sighs.
I nod.

"Emrie Shea Horst, I've known you for almost a year," he kneels down on one knee.

My eyes widen. I cover my mouth with a hand.

"Emrie you are the light of my life, the reason I look forward to waking up every morning. I know we have stupid shit going on but let's forget it tonight. I love you more than anything or anyone. Forget Erica. I don't love her I love you. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, and how I can prove that is by saying that i never really loved any girl until you came along. Happy birthday baby, and," he pulls out a small white box revealing a beautiful diamond ring,

 Happy birthday baby, and," he pulls out a small white box revealing a beautiful diamond ring,

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I'm in tears now.

"Emrie Shea Horst, will you marry me?

I respond by grabbing his face and kissing it in the sunset.
I pull off and whisper/cry, "yes!"
He smiles and kinda tears up.
He slips the beautiful ring onto my finger and we make out some more. I love you Jake Paul.

Aaaaah again sorry guys. Hope you enjoy the rest of the story though.

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