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"8 letters" Why don't we. Looove them.

Emrie's pov

I woke up to the bright sun shining all over my naked self. I look over to Jake, always snoring away. I find my clothes and pull my phone out, it's 6:35 am. I lay back and rub Jakes arm. And I kiss his cheek. "Wake up baby," I sigh.
His eyes flutter. "Morning babe." He yawns. Hugging me.
"Well we need to get the hell outta here if we don't wanna get our asses handed to us." I giggle, tickling him.
He frowns looking down.

"Whats wrong baby?" I kiss his forehead.

"I dont wanna keep this a secret any longer Emrie babe, please?" He begs.

"Not yet Jake, not yet." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes. I giggle shoving him, "put on some damn clothes!"
"Don't see you complaining!" He laughs.

We arrive at the team 10 house and open the doors.

The last thing I see is that im face to face with a bullet.

3 months later. (Yes 3 months)

Jake's pov

I can't live like this anymore, I'd rather me than her. She didn't deserve this.

3 months. 3 fucking months. What has Emrie done to me? Hell if I know.
The shooter was never found, they were tied up in a merch sweater so it had to be someone from Team 10. I couldn't believe that one of my friends had the nerve to shoot my girlfriend like that. She didn't deserve it, I did. I was such a piece of shit to hide our relationship like that.

Anyway, the shooter got away quickly. We recently had to relocate our home area till we knew our main house was safe.

I jus shook my head watching her lifeless body and hearing the sickening beep from the heart monitor. She was in a coma, but don't you still hear things while you're in a coma? Thats a thing right? Here go's.

"Emrie, listen, for the past few months I wasn't able to live like I used to, you were my heart, my strength, my love life,............you were my everything." I continued to pour out my heart until I reached the point where I had to burst out in tears.

I could've sworn I saw her smile. She liked it when I said that. She hears things she wants to hear. Maybe she feels.

I lower my head to her neck and plant soft kisses on her neck.
After a little, I hear a giggle.

I raise my head and see her eyes open. I couldn't help it, I grabbed her body, still on the bed, and laid down on her. She smiled softly. I cried while I began making out with her. She kissed back

"Hey hey hey!" We suddenly hear.

We turn to see a doctor rushing in, shoving me off of her.
Ugh, he was that young, good looking, probably wealthy. Basic white man hoe looking guy. He wouldn't leave Emrie alone for one second of his damn life. Sorry bro she is mine.

"What were you thinking of getting on her like that?" He screeches.

"Doctor its totally fine," she rasps. I look at her, she looks dead.

"Oh, he really is you're bofriend?" He asks, looking at me.

Emrie nods.

Literally every time I say Emrie is my girlfriend he shakes his head and says im lying. Like bro, I know you like her but get this through you're damn head, she is mine not yours.

She is all mine.

October 1 ayyyy my bday! Happy birthday to meeee!

Oml what the hell is wrong with me? I'm only 13 yrs old and im writing shit like this! AHAHAHA im fucked up.

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