chapter 7

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Emrie's pov

1 week later

We have 2 more weeks here in LA.
They let us extend spring break because there was a gas leak in the school.
Hanging out with team 10 was awesome. Everyone is so happy all the time. Even though pranking is like, they're number one thing to do with each other. Haha.
Erica is really nice to me. But I guess it's just because there's no other girl to talk to. I really like her but I get mad when she makes out with Jake. I'm hiding my jealousy well!
Alina and Erin are getting along wih team 10, too. Erin really likes Kade, and Alina doesn't really like anyone in team 10. But, she did meet the Dolan twins while we were here. Damn, she and Grayson really hit it off. I ship it, Graylina!
She does really like him. I mean, that's all she ever talks about at school. Besides talking in russian all the time. But I bet she talks about him in russian, too.

"Emrie come over here for a sec!" Shouted Erin.
"What's up?" I ask walking over.
"Look!" She giggled.
I look through the window of the hotel and gasped. Omg! Alina and Grayson are making out in the parking lot! I gotta get this.
I pull out my phone and start taking a video of it.
What happened next was hilarious.
A girl about a year younger than us ran over to them and pulled Alina off of him and started to make out with him.
He struggled to get her off of him while Alina laughed nearby. I laughed too and Erin chortled.
He finally got the girl off of him and he grabbed Alina's hand and the jumped into his car and locked the doors. Then, they drove away.
"Aww, so cute!" Erin swoons. "Driving away from a crazy fan is cute?" I asked. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"I'm going to go hang out with team 10, see ya!" I shouted at Erin, who was in the bathroom.
"Okay!" She shouts back.
Okay, good. I hurry out and I'm hoping to make an impression on Jake today. I know he loves Erica costell but, this is pretty cool....

 I know he loves Erica costell but, this is pretty cool

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I arrive at the team 10 mansion and brush myself off. Okay, okay.
I walk into the mansion and greet them, "hey guys!"
Erica runs to me, "hey Emrie!" She gives me a hug. "I love your outfit!" She yelps. "Thanks but yours is so much prettier!" I explain....

(Erica modeling her outfit)Her outfit is nice but, mine is the better one by far

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(Erica modeling her outfit)
Her outfit is nice but, mine is the better one by far.
Anyway, she just flicks her hair. Slut.
"I have something to talk to you about!" She says excitedly. "Yeah?" I ask. She nods and pulls me into a room with all team 10 in it. Jake smirks at me. Okay?
"We have all been thinking." She starts. I nod.
"I have been the only girl here for way to long and..."
"We were wondering if you want to join team 10!" She finishes.
I cannot move. What the hell did she just say?
My mouth answers before my brain thinks it through, "HELL YES!"
Everyone cheers and Erica hugs me. "Finally another girl!" She squeals. I hug her back and squeal as well. I am part of team fucking 10!

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