chapter 6

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Emrie's pov

"Yo, do you think she's alive?" I hear someone ask.
"Well, she has a pulse." Another person says.
I blink and see a bunch of blurry faces staring down at me.
"Dude! She opened her eyes!" A guy shouts.
Yeah, no duh whoever said that.
My vision settles down and I can see straight. My sight focuses on a specific face. Jake Paul. I jump up, knocking my head on, Anthony? What the fuck? "She's alive!" He shouts, holding his head.
Everyone cheers. I look around. I see Jake Paul, Nick Crompton, Chance Sutton, Anthony Trujillo, Kade Speiser, Chad Tepper, and the Dobre twins. "Where am I?" I say, pretending I didn't know where I was. I was so obviously in the team 10 house.
They all look at each other and don't speak.
Jake speaks up, "hi, my names Jake Paul." He says sticking out his hand.
I jump up and hug him, he is shocked. "I know you're Jake Paul! Omigod! I love you so much!" I screech. He hugs back and says, "I love you too!"
Oh god, I can't even take him saying that!
"Sorry for, you know, bringing you to a random place." He chuckles.
"Oh, it's fine, did I get like, knocked out or something?" I ask, holding my head.
"Yeah, something like that!" Kade explains. Oh god, it's the real Kade Speiser! And the real everyone else!
"So, what's your name?" Jake asks. He's asking for my name, major fan girl moment! "Oh, my names Emrie Horst." I say blushing because I took so long to answer.
"Nice name." He smiles. I blush like an idiot. Holy fuck.
"So, you live in LA?" Asks Lucas Dobre.
"No, just visiting for a couple weeks." I reply. He smiles.
"Shit!" I yelp.
They all raise they're eyebrows at me.
"Heh, sorry bout that, I have like, twenty missed calls and texts from my friends Alina and Erin. They chuckle and nod they're heads.


Holy shit! I just met team 10! How lit is that?!?!
Right now, Jake is driving me back to the hotel. It's sad that I have to leave them forever but, I never thought I would actually meet them!
"This it?" He asks, pulling up to the hotel. "Yep." I say.
He nods and parks. As I start to get out, he stops me. "Hey, Emrie, your pretty cool, do you think we could hang out? And by we, I mean team 10."
No way. No fucking way!
So I answer in the coolest, most nonchalant way possible, "sure, that sounds fun!"
"Dope!" He said excitedly.
I watched him drive away with a smirk on his face. Wtf. Whatever.
O my fucking god! How the hell did this happen?!?! I just got fucking invited to hang out with team 10! TEAM FUCKING 10!!!!

I ride up to my floor on the elevator and dance the whole way up. When I entered the room I saw two confused people. Erin and Alina.
"Guys I have something to tell you!" I shout to them.

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