22. Stand by your man

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^ Prince Rafael

Looking around the extravagantly decorated ballroom, where elegant people danced to beautiful music, Art fingered the crest on his jacket. He felt so proud to officially bare the name of his father. Even the news of Charlotte that Wren would be attending the Ball couldn't diminish his glee.

"I promised Casper a dance", she added.

'Ok. Now he was losing his happy glow.'

"You know I can't make eye-contact with Wren."

"No, you mean, you won't", she corrected him. "I really don't understand your reluctance. Sealing the bond between you is just a formality, of sorts, anyway. Now that I'm mated with Casper I feel much more balanced and focused. As if I now know my purpose in life."

Art sighed.

"I mean you no offence, Charlotte, but that just not how I feel. Finding out that we don't share the same status is confusing, but in a way also makes sense. I never accepted the boundaries that others placed for me and I don't intend to start anytime soon. I feel more like a slave now than I did working in the Palace."

He made his way through a room filled with Royalty and dignitaries and stopped when he reached the buffet. Alexi was attending to his Princely duties, constantly dancing with every available girl, while Charlotte let his words sink in.

"I can't say that I understand everything, but I do know that Wren is not to blame for this. Mating bonds are forged in Heaven. Its not a choice."

He straightened his back.

"I know. The pull that man has on me is beyond words", Art admitted. "But that's not the point. I want more out of my life than be a predetermined incubator. I want to be to Wren what Casper is to you."

Art could feel her broad smirk.

"So that's what this is all about. You want to be the Alpha in the relationship. Make him submit to you."

While Art was stuffing his face, sporting an impressive blush, she thought more on the subject.

"So why don't you just do that? You did it before. Why not try to build a relationship first and leave having kids for later. I mean nobody is expecting you to get knocked up right away, right?"

Arts emerald green eyes didn't need to scan the room to find the man they were talking about.

"Maybe", he reluctantly admitted, but Charlotte grinned as if he had declared his undying love.

They both knew that was came next was unescapable.

King Dimitri hummed with contentment when he saw the line of Princesses that wanted to dance with Alexi. This afternoons negotiations had gone very well and he had some serious candidates. The Princess of Cho was the most logical choice.

The King of Cho had been nagging him for years about the no-trespass policy of his brother Nicolai. When he had sent out Captain Wren with a message to his brother, who's land bordered with both kingdoms, the man had flat out refused to get involved. Although Cho posed no immediate threat, they have been becoming more persistent with their complaints since the war ended. An alliance between the kingdoms would soften Nicolais resolve and everybody would benefit from the increase of commerce.

So King Dimitri saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Princess Arianna was a pleasant girl. Her older brother Dominic would inherit the title which left her available for negotiations. Her father had arranged quit a substantial dowry to sweeten the deal. All in all a winning combination.

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now