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Your P.O.V•

I was now face to face with this boy Harvey.

"Hey." He smiled at me. His smile was gorgeous!

"Hi." I replied shyly,

"So what are we up to?" Leo butted in out of nowhere.

"I suppose we could do a bit of shopping?" Charlie suggested and we all agreed. As we were walking, me and Harvey made small talk, just introducing ourselves and stuff like that. All of a sudden, he threw his arms over my shoulders and grinned at me. I didn't mind, to be honest. I mean, a cute guy putting his arm around you. It's deffinatly a good thing. I looked over at Charlie and he was deep into his phone as usual. Then I looked over at Leo and he had his head bowed down and he looked a little upset. I wonder why?

Leo's P.O.V•

As we made our way to River Island, I couldn't help but notice Poppy and Harvey. The way she looked at him, talked to him, giggled at his dim jokes, and then he what!? He just put his arms around her shoulders and she didn't shake them off! Wait, why am I bothered? I couldn't help it. Jealousy stung me like a wasp. I was jealous of Poppy and Harvey.

After a while of thinking, I came to the conclusion that I was in love with Poppy. I don't even know how that's possible, but I was. I've known her 2 days and BAM. Love. I looked up again and they were giggling together. I wanted to cry and my eyes started to water like crazy. I bowed my head down to make sure no one would notice.

"You ok Leo?" A soft voice asked me. I looked up an saw Poppy.

"Um, yeah." I said as confidently as I could, but my attempt to look happy failed.

"Do you wanna talk or something?" She said sympathetically. Then it came to me. I'm gonna ask her out. I just nodded and we walked over to the side and left Harvey and Charlie chatting away.

"Go ahead. What's bothering you, Leo?" She put her hand on my shoulder.

"I just.. I'm.." I started, trying to think of the right words to say,

"Jealous." I finally spat out, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. She looked at me confused.

"What of, babe?" She asked. I sighed and let it all out.

"You! You and Harvey! Look, I.. I've kinda had a crush on you since we first met. And I know you probably don't feel the same but I really, really like you." I explained as a tear fell from my eye. She stared into my eyes for a while.

"Leo, I, um.. I feel the same." She whispered and looked down. What? I can't believe she just admitted to liking me.

"You like me back?" I asked, just to be certain and she nodded shyly and blushed. Yep. I'm gonna ask her. Here goes..

"Well, um, would you wanna like, be my girlfriend then?" I asked quietly. She smiled and nodded which caused me to smile.

"Of course, Leondre." She gently wiped my wet eye with her thumb. I was just so overwhelmed. I grabbed her, pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead. She giggled at my sudden gesture.

"Are you guys ready?" Charlie yelled at us impatiently so we scurried over.

"Lets not tell them yet, it'll be funny." I whispered to her, "oh, and please don't tell the boys I cried. They'll laugh at me.."

"I won't!" She chuckled and we caught up with the boys.

Your P.O.V•

I was now officially going out with Leondre Devries. Fuck was Charlie said about him being a player. He clearly wasn't.

"Where to?" Harvey asked us all,

"I don't mind." Leo and Charlie both said and the three of them turned to look at me.

"VANS STORE." I burst out. They giggled at me and said we could. I didn't have a great amount of money with me so I couldn't get a load but I might be able to afford a hoodie or two.

We walked into the dimly lit store and split up. Leo stayed with me.

"Looking for anything in particular, babe?" He asked, snaking his arms around my waist but making sure Charlie and Harvey were out of sight, which they were.

"Nah not really, just looking." I told him.

"Oh! One sec!" He said and dashes off somewhere. Okay then. I just shrugged and continued observing all of the hoodies on the rack. I ended up getting a plain black hoodie with the logo on. I met Harvey and Charlie outside the store but no Leo. He was probably still inside. Both the boys had bought a pair of vans each and a tshirt. All of a sudden, Leo appeared behind us with a plastic bag containing a shoe box.

"Ok I'm done." He grinned at me. I just smiled back at him with confusion.

"Harvey thinks we should go to the little cinema and watch that new film on." Charlie said to me and Leo. We both nodded and so we made our way there.

We were watching We're The Millers. It looked quite funny and I wanted to see it too.

"I'll grab us all some popcorn." Harvey kindly offered. I went to get myself some starbucks and candy along with Charlie and Leo who also got some for Harvey. We met him back inside the theatre. Leo was on my left and Charlie on my right, and Harvey next to Charlie. We were sat right at the very back in the right corner. Halfway through the film, Charlie was getting fidgety. I looked over at him and he suddenly whisper-yelled "I really need a peeeee!"

"Go then!" I laughed an so he got up.

"Where you going?" Harvey asked,


"Ohh, lemme come. I need somemore starbucks." He shot up out of his seat and followed Charlie out the theatre.

"Alone time." Leo giggled and took my hand,

"Yeah," I giggled along with him. He turned and looked straight into my eyes,

"Poppy, I really like you. Like REALLY." He whispered over the movie.

"I really like you too, Leo." I replied honestly,

"No but, you don't understand.." He started and before anyone could say anything else, his soft lips crashed onto mine. We had kissed. It was nice and sweet. Nothing sloppy or dry or anything. It was jut perfect. We must of been kissing a while because in the corner of my eye I saw the boys rushing up the steps to our seats. Me and Leo quickly pulled away and cleared our throats. Hopefully we were quick enough and they wouldn't suspect anything.

"Sorry we took our time." Charlie apologized to us,

"It's perfectly fine. Just fine" Leo grinned which caused Charlie to give him a weird look. I couldn't help but laugh at it. Eventually we all returned to the movie.

To be totally honest, I didn't know why Leo wanted us to hide our relationship from them. Oh well, I decided to ask him tonight.

A/N: Sorry for the super late update. I was stuck on ideas and I only just got wattpad working again because it kept on crashing. I apologize :)

~Just be Hopeful🎶~

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