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Your P.O.V•

I followed this kind stranger back to his house.

"My name is Tyler by the way." He turned and smiled at me as we wiggled his keys about in the door getting it to unlock.

"Poppy." I said back.

"Cute name." He opened it and lead me in. After closing the door he flicked in the light and the small kid named Kyle ran off into another room. I hovered in the hallway.

"Come in here." Tyler said and I followed him into the livingroom and joined him on the sofa.

"Would you like anything to drink?" He asked and I shook my head.

"My parents aren't home so I have to loom after this little dude. He's called Kyle." He pointed to Kyle who was dragging cars across the wooden floor, making engine noises. I smiled.

"So, do you wanna tell me what happened?" He looked at me and threw his arm around the back of the sofa. I was slightly uncomfortable with this but some how I told him. I told him everything. What was I doing? This was a random stranger and I was blabbing on about my problems.

"That sucks. You deserve much better." He grinned and edged closer to me. I coughed slightly and he realized he was making me uncomfortable.

"Sorry, you're just beautiful." He giggled. This guy was either a pedo or super sweet. I was hoping the second one though...

"So, are you gonna go home or do you wanna stay over? We don'y have any spare bedrooms but I have a sofa in my room." He suggested politely. I thought about it for a while. He had a small child with him and he was only my age, what's the worst he could do? I nodded and smiled.



Leo's P.O.V•

I sat sulking in the same bench for about 15 minutes until the others approached me.

"Come one dude, she might be at home." Charlie said patting my back. I just sniffled and got up. My eyes were all red, wet and puffy and my cheeks were tear stained. I was really hoping that Poppy had just returned back the Charlie's and waited there for us. I trailed behind the rest of the guys, terrified for her. She could be anywhere and it is now pitch black. Anything could happen. If only she let me explain what had happened. It was all misunderstanding. She was a fan and she came and planted her lips all over me. She was holding me down and I couldn't move. Especially while my face was being attacked by her lips! We neared Charlie's house and as he unlocked the door, I took in a deep breath with hope she'd be in there, all safe. We walked in and nobody was in the livingroom. I immediatly sprinted upstairs and searched the whole of the top floor. Nothing. She was gone. I face planted onto my (Charlie's) bed and started sobbing. I'd let her go already. I heard footsteps moving closer towards me.

"We have no idea where she's gone, bro. Sorry." The boy sighed and sat next to me patting my back. It was Joey. I sat up, still bawling my eyes out, and hugged him. My brother could always make me feel tons better. But in this case, I didn't think it would work.

"What if she never comes back!?" I cried into his chest,

"She will! She can't stay out there forever. All her stuff is still here anyway." He said. He had a point. She has to come back, whether she wants to or not, "we'll just have to be patient."

Your P.O.V•

I lay silently on Tyler's sofa with my thick duvet and fluffy pillow. It was quite comfortable! I was still really upset though. How could he do this to me? What did I even do wrong? Is there something really bad about me? Am I THAT ugly!? All these thoughts were circling my head and I fell asleep thinking about Leo.

I awoke still on the sofa I fell asleep on and sat up. Tyler was gone but I could hear noises downstairs. Probably sorting out Kyle. I looked at the closest clock and it read 10:40 am. I went into the bathroom, made myself presentable and then wondered off down the stairs. I wasn't going to stay long seeing as I really needed my phone charger and some clean clothes.

"There's sleeping beauty!" He turned and smiled at me. He was cooking breakfast over the stove.

"Morning." I smiled, collecting my phone and stuff.

"Are you off already?" He asked,

"Yeah. Best get back to the others. I've probably scared them a little." I giggled slightly.

"Wait! Could I at least get your number? I mean, we could become close friends." He wiped his hands on a tea towel.

"Sure. Write it on my hand, my phone is dead." I replied. He pulled out a pen and scribbled his number on the back of my hand.

"Thanks. I'll text you." He smiled and hugged me.

"Cool. See you later then, Tyler." I waved,

"Bye beautiful."

I slowly made my way to Charlie's, trying to avoid any chance of coming face to face with Leo. He's probably worried sick but with the way he made me feel, I couldn't care less. I approached the front door after 10 minutes. I took a deep breath and opened the unlocked door...

~Just Be Hopeful🎶~

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