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Your P.O.V•

The movie finished at around 5 so we decided to head back for something to eat. Me and Leo still managed to hide our relationship. We couldn't help but laugh most of the time and Harvey and Charlie kept on giving strange looks. We eventually got back to the house.

"I'm starving!" Charlie whined,

"Me too. Let's all go KFC." Harvey suggested. To be quite honest I couldn't be bothered to get up from the sofa. I was exhausted. I was also hoping Leo would do the same so those two could leave and then we could have some time alone. I think Leo was hoping the same thing.

"I can't be arsed!" Leo mumbled into the sofa cushion.

"Me neither." I fake yawned. Thankfully that convinced them, but not Leo. He burst out laughing.

"You two are acting so weird today!" Charlie laughed,

"Fine! Me and Charlie boy will go get us all some, you lazy fucks." Harvey said whilst picking up Charlie's house keys. And with that, they both left to KFC.

"Alone time!" Leondre cheered. I chuckled at his gesture. He came over and sat next to me, pulling me onto his lap.

"Yeah." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Oh! I almost forgot..." He gently shoved me off his lap and ran into the kitchen. He quickly returned with the plastic bag he left the Vans store with.

"I got you a little something." He grinned and passed me the bag. I smiled at him and opened it up.

"Aww Leo!" I squealed and embraced him in a huge hug, planting a small kiss on his nose. He had bought me the galaxy vans I was looking at earlier before I met Harvey.

"I will do anything to make you happy, princess." He smiled at me. Then he kissed me again like in the cinema but a lot more passionate. I then remembered that I was going to ask him why we were keeping 'us' a secret. I broke the kiss.

"Leo?" I asked,

"Yeah, babe?"

"Why do we have to hide our relationship?" I asked him. He just sighed and looked down. It took him a while to answer.

"Because of um.. Charlie." He finally breathed out,

"What about Charlie?" I asked him really confused. He took a while to answer me again.

"Look, I know he warned you about me. And I also know he would get super pissed at both of us." He seemed really upset. Then it hit me. Charlie. My cousin. I totally forgot what he told me. But I think I'm actually in love with Leo.

"But Leo, I really like you and I don't really care what Charlie or anyone else has to say about it. Just because he is my cousin doesn't mean he can stop us being together." I looked him in the eye, "It's our choice."

"You know what? You're right Poppy." He smiled at me then pecked me on the lips.

"I will speak to Charlie, but for now we will have to continue like this." I said. We both hugged and then we heard the front door opening. We quickly pulled apart and sat there awkwardly waiting for them to actually enter the room.

"Hello bitchezzz!" Charlie screamed and threw a box of food at me and Leo. Then Harvey followed in after him. We all ate and immediatly got really bored.

"How about we go to the park?" I suggested. The boys agreed and so we set off down the road to the nearest park. There were not many people there so it was nice. We walked and chatted about random stuff for a while and then got bored again.

"How about play in the play area!?" Leo squealed excitedly jumping up and down. We all sighed and said yes. Each of us sprinted over to a swing and sat on them. After a few swinging competitions and random conversations, we all started to hear the twinkly tune of the ice cream van.

"Imma go get one!" Charlie suddenly darted off towards the van without offering anyone else one.

"Rude!" Leo laughed,

"Aww, I'll get you two a cone each. Yeah?" Harvey politely asked us and we thanked him as he walked off around the corner to meet Charlie at the van. Me and Leo were now out of sight.

"Come here, babe." Leo gestured for me to come over to him. I sat gently on his lap.

"I wish we could do this all the time." He sighed and kissed my cheek.

"Me too, but I'm frightened of upsetting Charlie or getting him angry." I said,

"So am I, Pops. But we'll just have to be strong about it." He attempted a smile and then kissed me passionatly on the lips.

Harvey's P.O.V•

"Very kind of you to offer the rest of us one!" I laughed at Charlie,

"I love ice cream! Okay?" He giggled back at me. Before I got to the van, I searched my pockets for some money to pay for the ice creams. I couldn't find the fiver I had brought with me.

"Ugh, one sec." I groaned at Charlie and started roaming every single pockets in clothes again. Still nothing. I probably dropped it at the swings or something. I quickly scurried off around the corner back to the play area. As soon as the swings were back in sight, I saw something... What the actual fuck? I can't be seeing this. I could have sworn I saw Poppy and Leo kissing. I rubbed my eyes and looked back. Yep. They were...

A/N: sorry I havn't updated in a while, I've been in Wales. Oh well I'm back now :)

~Just Be Hopeful🎶~

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