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Harvey's P.O.V•

Poppy and Leo were sat there on the swings kissing. I decided not to tell Charlie because I figured it would piss him off. I walked back to the ice cream van and pretended I couldn't find my lost fiver. Charlie decided to be friendly and buy us all our ice cream.
"Sucks that you lost your money. A fiver is quite a lot of money if you think about it." Charlie said, he kind of started talking a lot more but I wasn't paying attention. I was just hoping that Poppy and Leo weren't kissing anymore, otherwise he would have flipped. Luckily they weren't.
"Here you go." Charlie handed each of us our cones and we ate them all up. After that we got pretty bored, AGAIN. We all started suggesting ideas but none of them were that fun.
"Ooh! How about we meet the boys!" Leo asked,
"The who?" Poppy asked with a confused expression,
"Oh, the Overload boys. They are a boy band, also in the Alphadog Family." I explained to her.
"Actually, that is a good idea. Seeing as we will be seeing them a lot this summer, Poppy will need to be introduced to them sooner or later." Charlie said reasonably.
"Ok then." Poppy smiled. And so we left back to the house to call the boys over.

Poppy's P.O.V•

~back at Charlie's house~

Charlie walked back into the room where me, Leo and Harvey sat.
"They'll be over in like two minutes." He said and slumped onto the sofa. We used those two minutes to laugh and talk about random stuff, but Harvey didn't quite seem as hyper as usual. I tried to ignore it but the mood wasn't as happy.
"You ok, Harvey?" I asked in a concerned tone,
"Oh, um, yeah." He threw a fake smile into his face and attempted to hide the fact that something was bothering him. At that point, 5 older boys walked into the room.
"Hey!" Charlie and Leo yelled happily bro hugging each of them. They all came and sat on the sofas but there wasn't enough room so one of them sat on the floor and Leo sat on one of their laps. I was quite confused at this and Leo noticed. He laughed and then said, "This is my brother, Joey, he is also in Overload." That's probably why.
"This is Jordi, Ollie, Andy and Ryan." Charlie pointed to the four boys on the sofa and then the one sat on the floor, "and I see you have already met Joey."
"Yep, nice to meet you guys." I smiled and waved at them.
"Hello." They said in sync.
"So what shall we all do?" Ollie asked,
"How about we all go get food?" Jordi asked, which we all agreed to.

We decided on Pizza Hut. I was sat next to Leo and Ryan, who I had gotten to know a little bit more throughout the journey here. He was extremely funny! Charlie was sat opposite me and kept trying to take silly photos of me.
"Charlie! Fuck off!" I whined and hid myself behind my hands. He just laughed harder. As I turned my head to hide from his phone, I spotted someone familiar.
"Oh my god! Geanie!" I screamed and ran over to her. Geanie was my childhood best friend and I hadn't seen her for at least three years. The boys turned and watched me.
"No way! Poppy!" She squealed and hugged me tight. Aw, I've missed this girl so much!
"Guys! This is Geanie, she was my bestfriend." I walked her over to our table,
"She can join us if she wants?" Andy asked,
"Please." She smiled and sat in an empty seat next to Charlie.

Charlie's P.O.V•

All of a sudden, Poppy jumped up out of her seat and legged it over to another table. I think I had annoyed her a little too much. As I was about to get up and apologize, she hugged a random girl. After a minute, she brought the girl over to our table and introduced her.
"Guys, this is Geanie. She was my bestfriend." Poppy explained to us. Andy asked if she wanted to sit with us and so she did. She sat down in the empty seat next to me and smiled sweetly at me. She was gorgeous! I smiled back nervously and we started talking. Wow! She was amazing! I think I actually liked her...

Poppy's P.O.V•

I talked with all of Overload, getting to know them a little more and they all seemed like really nice people. Charlie and Geanie seem to have a connection. They wouldn't keep their eyes off each other. Geanie glanced at me and I wiggled my eyebrows at her, causing her to giggle slightly. I suddenly remembered how Harvey wasn't quite acting himself and decided to see if he was ok. Again, he said he was fine. But I wasn't convinced. I bugged him about it and he eventually got up and began to walk away to the bathroom. I caught up with him and grabbed his arm, luckily the boys didn't notice anything.
"Look, I know something is bothering you and I want to know what it is so I can help sort it for you! I don't like seeing you like this." I said to him. He just sighed,
"I saw you." He mumbled. What was he going on about?
"You saw what?" I asked him,
"I saw you and Leo."

A/N: you like? Lol I got really angry before, I thought my whole story deleted! But it didn't, thankfully 😂

~Just Be Hopeul🎶~

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