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Leo's P.O.V•

I have my girl back! All to myself. Wow, that sounds selfish but you know what I mean. Awe I love her loads and I will continue to for as long as I live. As she snuggled into me, we walked back down the stairs and collapsed onto the sofa. For some reason she looked exhausted. She seems to be falling asleep on me so I'll ask her later. I looked up to find Harvey staring at the two of us in disgust. What the fuck?

"What's up with you, bro?" I whispered, due to the fact Poppy was now fast asleep.

"What? N-nothing." He stuttered awkwardly. Okay...?

"Are you sure?" I asked comfused. Something is clearly bothering him.

"Yes!" He yelled and stormed off upstairs. Fucking hell! Dude, chillax.

"Calm your tits." I mumbled to myself while stroking Poppy's beautiful brown hair. It was soft and silky smooth. It smelt nice too. Random, I know :). What has gotten into Harvey though, seriously?

Harvey's P.O.V•

I can't stand it anymore. It's tearing away at my heart and it kills me seeing her so happy with him. I'm gonna have to tell her, and I'll do it as soon as she wakes up. I'll get her alone and admitt my feelings. This probably won't so well and Leo won't handle it any better, but it will be good to finally get it off my chest, however bad it goes.

After rudely running off in a strop up the stairs, I flew onto the bed and planted my face into pillow. Overload was back home, I think. Where was Charlie and Geanie? I decided to call him. He picked up almost immediatly.

"Hey bro." He cheered. He seemed quite happy,


"You ok?"

"We found Poppy." I sighed,

"Great news! Geanie will be happy to hear that, she was legit freaking out!" He laughed,

"Umm, yeah. She forgave Leo too." I sighed in frustration at that. Luckily he didn't notice,

"Great! That's even better."

"Yeah, umm. So where are you guys?"

"We're just at the supermarket. Getting some random shit. We went on a little search for Poppy and then stopped here."

"Oh ok."

"Right I'll see you when we get back."

"Cool, bye."

"Bye." I hung up. I was really upset. I liked her sooo much, and soon it will start to show. Which is a very bad thing. As I thought about it all, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." It was Leo. Yay.

"Tell me whats up with you." He walked straight in and sat on the navy beanbag across the room.

"Nothing." I shrugged,

"Yep, before was clearly nothing."

"Honestly, I'm cool."

"Your not. Just tell me." He was getting a little angry now,

"Look," I sighed, "you'll find out soon, I don't wanna talk about it." I fell back down on the bed with my face back in the pillow. Leo was about to say something when we heard the front door open downstairs. Probably Geanie and Charlie. Leo sighed and left downstairs. I decided to go down too.

I entered the room to find Geanie and Charlie both hugging Poppy and Leo laughing at them. They all looked so happy and I was in this shitty mood.

"Oh, hey Harvey." Geanie smiled, finally releasing Poppy. I smiled back and flopped onto the sofa beside Charlie, who had also finally let go of her. I wish I had a reason to squeeze her tight like that.

"So you forgave Leo?" Charlie winked at him and he laughed.

"Yeah, he told me what actually happened so it's all good." She smiled sweetly then pecked Leo on the cheek.

"So what should we all do?" Geanie asked,

"Why don't we do another twitcam?" Leo suggested,

"Yeahh!" Charlie cheered and dashed off to get the laptop.

"Lemme get some food, I'm starving!" Leo exaggerated and dragged himself to the kitchen, while Geanie followed. I'm assuming she got hungry too. Poppy stayed put. Perfect time to tell her how I feel.

"Pops, I need to tell you something really important and I'm trusting you not to tell anyone." I said and came to sit next to her,

"Go ahead." She nodded,

"You probably won't like this and Leo certainly won't," I took a deep breath, "I like, really really like you. I have done ever since I met you. And everytime you kiss Leo, it kills me. I couldn't stand hiding it anymore so I had to tell you." I blushed and looked down in shame. She was speechless.

Your P.O.V•

What Harvey just told me... Wow. I was lost for words. What do I say?

"Umm, I don't know what to say." I whispered anxiously,

"Don't say anything, I'll just leave." He sighed and shot straight out the door. I tried calling after him but he ignored me. What do I do? Should I tell Geanie or something? I mean, I know I promised not to tell anyone, but that!? How can you not? I'm gonna have to tell her and ask her for advice or something because that is just too much to handle right now. I can't have Harvey liking me at this moment in time. I've only just got Leo back. Oh wow.

~Just Be Hopeful🎶~

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