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Your P.O.V•

I woke up in Leo's arms on my matress. I quitely yawned and then smiled at the fact he was with me. He wasn't yet awake. I suddenly shot up and then realized Charlie's bed hadn't been used, thankfully, which meant he hadn't seen me and Leo. I crept down stairs and everyone was alseep all over the place! I almost forgot I found Geanie again. She was wrapped into Charlie's arms. I ship it! I lightly giggled to myself at the fact they were all dotted around the livingroom and then tiptoed into the kitchen to get some breakfast. After eating the toast I made, I grabbed a can of Pepsi and sat at the table on instagram. I had quite a lot of followers, being extremely close to Charlie and that. After 10 minutes, Harvey came and sat next to me.

"So, you and Leo." He chuckled,


"What's happening then?"

"Well, when I told Leo yesterday that you found out, we decided we would confront Charlie today. And I'm so scared of what he's gonna say." I explained,

"Don't worry, if he isn't ok with it, he doesn't deserve to have you as a cousin or Leo as a best mate. It's not like there is anything wrong with it and in all honesty, you two are a really cute couple." Harvey comforted me. I loved being around him, he always knew what to say. Although we hadn't known each other that long.

"Thanks, Harvey." I hugged him and then trailed off upstairs to get ready.

I jumped into the shower and washed my hair. After brushing it, I got changed into some light blue skinny jeans and a black and white stripey vest top. Leo was gone when I entered the room. I figured he would be downstairs with the other so I began walking down the small hallway to the staircase when I ran into Geanie.

"Oh my god! Guess what!?" She squealed clapping he hands childishly,

"What?" I laughed at her childish gesture,

"Me and Charlie are official!" She almost screamed the roof off and jumped into my arms.

"Aw congrats." I smiled at her, returning the hug and then walked downstairs to find both Charlie and Leo on the sofa. The others had gone home I think.

"Leo said you need to tell me something?" Charlie turned and looked at me as I plonked myself on the other sofa next to Leo.

"Oh, um yeah." I sighed,

"So...?" He began,

"What would you say if Leo and I were like... Going out?" I asked rather slowly and nervously. I think it took him a while to get that into his head as he just kept on looking at Leo then at me then at Leo again. All of a sudden he jumped up and stormed off upstairs.

"What is so wrong with it!?" Leo yelled after him but he just ignored him, "I don't understand why though!"

"Calm down, Leo. I'll sort it." I whispered to him and followed Charlie up the stairs. He was sat on his bed staring at the ground.

"So, what's up with you?" I gently asked him,

"What do you mean, what's up with you?" He asked angrily,

"Why can we not ne together?" I asked, slightly louder,

"Look, I have warned you about him! He breaks hearts! He will end up leaving you." He huffed,

"Are you sure about that!? He seems pretty kind to me." I said even angrier. Why is he being such a dick about it and why does it matter to him if he leaves me or not!?

"Trust me! I've been with him long enough to know what he's like!" He yelled at me,

"You know what!? You can piss off because we really don't care what you have to say about it!" I stormed off down the stairs back to Leo. I was really pissed at Charlie for acting like this.

"I heard everything." Leo pulled me into a hug. I just sighed, "don't worry, we'll get through this." He attempted comforting me. Geanie came skipping down the stairs,

"Is everyone ok?" She asked,

"Just fine." Leo lied, not creating any drama or getting anyone else involved. No offense to Geanie but she can get a little too involved in something that has comepletly nothing to do with her. I know shes just being helpful but it's really annoying. Don't get me wrong, I love her to bits!

"Are you sure? I heard shouting." She said,

"Me and Poppy told Charlie we are dating and he didn't take it very well." Leo explained to her briefly,

"Aw ok, you two are totally cute together though! I wonder why he's upset about it." She said, wondering off out of the room.

Me and Leo just chilled in the livingroom, cuddling and talking, trying to forget about what had happened for the rest of the day.

Leo's P.O.V•

I feel so sorry for Poppy because of all of this. She must be heartbroken. To be quite honest, I didn't know myself why Charlie wasn't taking this well. I decided to take her out somewhere on a date to make it up to her and hopefully cheer her up.

"How about we go on a little date tomorrow? Nothing fancy, just something to cheer you up." I asked her, she smiled and kissed my cheek,

"I'd love to."

A/N: I have no idea how to write their date... The update tomorrow might be really late because of it.

~Just Be Hopeful🎶~

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