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Your P.O.V•

Me and Geanie bought quite a few good things from loads of different shops. It was fun spending time with my sis again. We were currently in a really nice accessories shop with all sorts of cute, girly things. I was looking through all of the beautifully detailed jewelery on the little silver racks. There were some really nice things there, but one thing caught my eye immediatly. It was a pair of friendship bracelets. One baby blue and one baby pink with the opposite colour writing on them. They spelled 'Best Friends' and were made from thread really well.

"Hey, Geanie! Get your butt over here!" I called for Geanie who was looking through the fuzzy phone cases with fluffy animals and stuff on.

"Yeah?" She asked walking over to me.

"Look, lets get these." I picked them up and traced the fine details over the bracelets.

"Aww they're gorgeous!" She said, taking the blue one from my hand, "come on, I'll pay."

"No, you can't!" I whined. I'm not letting her pay.

"Yeah well I am." She walked up to the counter and handed the shopkeeper the bracelets,

"Yeah, well I spotted them first!" I said. I did have a point,

"Yeah, well I want to pay for them." She handed her money and in return took the bracelets handing me the baby pink one. We slid them onto our wrists and put our arms together, taking a picture of them together. They looked adorable!

"You should have at least let me pay half." I said, feeling bad for letting her go along with it,

"What are friends for, eh? Now stop moaning! We got them ok!?" She laughed and we left the shop.

Leo's P.O.V•

We neared a huge shopping centre. I have been many times before but it is too big to remember what all of it looks like.

"Which shop then?" I asked curiously peeking through all of the windows in each type of shop.

"That really expensive jewelery shop. You know what I'm talking about?" Ollie turned around and told me. I nodded and we turned a large corner. Oh shit! There stood Poppy and Geanie waiting in line for Starbucks.

"Dude, dude, dude." I lightly smacked my arms against Joey's to get his attention and nodded over to their direction.

"Shite." He backed up,

"Whats up?" Harvey asked, grabbing the rest of the boys attention. Me and Joey pointed at the girls and suddenly legged it back around the corner. Being typical Ryan, he didn't catch on and carried on walking without even noticing.

"Ryan! Yo, dick ed'!" Jordi yelled, but not loud enough to catch the girls' attention. He suddenly spun around totally confused and legged it to the rest of the group. I couldn't help laughing at his foolishness.

"We're gonna have to go all the way around." Andy moaned as we made our way towards the stairs.

"Get over it." I giggled and we made our way towards the shop.

We walked into the shop and immediatly I was surrounded by silver and gold bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, etc. Sparkly things, shiney things, complicated details, simple patterns. There was tons!

"Let's split up. Some go with Charlie, some go with Leo." Harvey suggested. I had Harvey, Joey and Ryan with me while Jordi, Andy and Ollie went with Charlie. We were on a hunt to find something little to give to the girls each from me and Charlie to make up for upsetting them with the whole situation. But mainly just a little gift to show our appreciation. You know, something nice. I picked up a few sparkly necklaces and stuff but none were right. I didn't know what to get her!

"I give up guys!" I threw my hand up in the air and sighed really dramatically.

"No you cant!" Ryan rushed over to me and shook my shoulders, "this is Poppy you're talking about! Your girlfriend, remember? Don't give up on her now."

"He's right. Let's just look some more. There is still loads of parts of this shop we havn't looked through yet." Harvey walked over to where I was moaning.

"Ok." I sighed and we continued exploring the endless amounts of shimmering jewelery. After about 5 minutes, Joey called us over.

"What's up?" I asked,

"This." He said. He was observing a beautiful little silver bracelet with a heart on the top. I was lost for words.

"This is perfect." I managed as I took the delicate piece of jewelery from his hands.

"I'm jealous." Ryan fake whined making us all laugh.

"You want to buy this one then, Leo?" Harvey asked me and I nodded. We made our way to the counter and paid.

"Who's the lucky lady?" The shopkeeper asked, creating conversation as nice, friendly people do.

"My girlfriend." I blushed,

"Aww, good choice." She said whilst poking the buttons in the till.

"£89.99 then please." She smiled. Holy shit! What!? I pulled out my money anyway and handed it her. I don't care. I will do anything for her. I took my change and the little white bag containing the bracelet and we left the shop. Charlie and the others were waiting outside.

"About time!" Jordi huffed,

"Oh my god! How much was yours?" Charlie asked desperatly, "mine cost a fortune!"

"About 90 quid." I laughed and the realized I had spent almost 100 quid on one bracelet.

"Mine was about the same." He added.

"Let's go back now." Andy said and we left home.

Your P.O.V•

I was sooo thirsty so we decided to get some Starbucks. I desperatly wanted some iced tea. Whilst in line I heard some yelling. I turned around and noticed a tall, curly haired boy sprinting the opposite direction. He looked a lot like... Ryan!? Nah. I doubt it. But then again, why was he running? It seems a lot like Ryan to be running about a busy place like this. I ignored it and got my iced tea.

"Should we head back now?" I asked, sipping my refreshing drink.

"Yeah, come one. The boys might be back now anyway." She said and we left home.

~Just Be Hopeful🎶~

Hopeful (leondre devries fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt