Chapter 15

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"I have to go, Peter." I say with some difficulty because he was still on top of me. "They're all waiting for me. They might be worried."

He lifted his head up and looked at me with his adorable brown eyes and thankfully rolled off me.

He looks lean but is so heavy, man, I didn't realise.

"Peter. Next time I'll be on top." I say, yawning.


"Because we're both heavy but you can take my weight."

"Oh okay. I'm too tired to argue." He rolled onto his side and fell asleep.

"I forgot how much he needs his rest." I murmur as I lightly trace my fingers on his back. His body does burn calories quicker than the average human body.

Stretching, I get off the comfortable bed and put on my clothes. I couldn't find the shirt he'd given me to wear so I go to his closet and pick out another jacket. You'd think being a billionaire, he'd have a walk in closet but he just has a wardrobe.

My smile grows wider.

I glance up at the clock as I help myself to an apple, ALLAH it's 3 in the morning.

How? I did some quick calculations: 6 when she took me, stayed there maybe an hour and a half, he brought me to Jersey at 8 or a bit later. We stayed at the diner till 11 or 12. And then we had sex for 3 hrs.

I never knew I had that much stamina.

I felt both sleepy yet wide awa-AGHHH!

Wait a minute, Droney?

Where is the little bugger off to?

I tiptoe behind the drone and see it isn't Droney. First off, it is distinctly cat shaped with a tiny
spider emblem on it.

Felicia. Black fucking Cat.

"Kitts, stop..." Peter batted at the drone to keep it at bay. The drone just went crazier.

"I w-w-wanna sleep." He yawned but nevertheless, opened his eyes as I giggled by the door.

A screen popped up from Kitts's main body and a message of sorts, I assume, was played out.

I couldn't hear.  I don't have super hearing. Or super anything.

Peter sat bolt upright on his bed and hastily started dressing. Once ready, he shot out of bed and ran out of the room.

Has he forgotte- I was pulled in front by a web.
And I collide into him and glare.

"What's going on, you blithering baboon?" I say crossly.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, see-er, that was Lish, er, Felicia. She said that your parents will be called if there's no sign of you soon. And I'm guessing you don't want your parents to see your new apartment along with your ex um...fuck buddy and ur, me. Also you don't want the police involved, do you?"

I swallowed and looked at him.

"Y-you're right. So we- are we swinging?"

There was a devilish glint in his eyes.

"No." He says plainly.

"Wow." I breathe out as I see his absolutely GORGEOUS car.

"This is-" He starts.

I don't let him finish.

"A Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita." I say faintly. My father and I share a love of cars. "These are priced at 4.8 million."

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