Chapter 16

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Sanya's POV:

I don't know what I was thinking, jumping in front of an enhanced superhero to save him, all I knew was that I could not let him get hurt.

Felicia stopped in surprise. She narrowed her eyes as me and I glared at her.

"Move, bitch." She said. "I don't kill vermin."

"I will not. Not until you swear that you won't hurt Peter." I say hotly.

Her eyes softened. "If we weren't competitors, we might actually be friends. Alright. You have my word."

"Really?" I was beyond shocked. Was she maybe just on the path to becoming a hero? I couldn't see the faces of anyone else clearly, I was so focused on this. I couldn't even feel Peter behind me.

"Yes, dude, yes!"  She rolled her eyes and retracted her claws.

Hesitantly, I moved aside and my eyesight cleared.

I was standing a couple of feet away from Peter and Felicia had her claws embedded deep in his abdomen, blood already gushing from the wound like a waterfall.

"Wha-" I was immensely confused.  I just ....She was just ..
there and now....what?

Stepping back from her victim, who was bleeding and whom I couldn't even go to because she was standing right in front of him, her claws raised to nearly Wolverine length, she smiled like an angel and said,"You forgot my other power. I manipulate reality. I made you see what you wanted to."

I swore loudly. Peter was bleeding badly, he couldn't even keep his eyes open and was making a faint gurgling noise. Betty looked like she'd be sick, Harry was trying to find a weapon and Shadab....just looked like he didn't care. Bastard.

I looked haphazardly round the room, Ned was right behind Peter i.e. right behind Black Cat, my eyes locked with his and I minutely gestured to the vase on the cupboard which Peter was leaning against.  I could feel the panic rising but I forced it down.  Helping Peter is the priority now.

"You fucking bitch. I am going to mess you up so bad your 9 lives won't even matter." I seethed, as Ned picked up the vase as quietly as he could.

Felicia looked bored but mildly interested. "How? By writing fanf-aggh!" She fell down, not gracefully as the vase collided with her head.

She was still bit unconscious so I just jumped and sat on her and hissed at Betty, "Get Peter to a hospital now!!"

She and Ned picked up Peter to with difficulty and Betty scolded Shadab, "HELP US, OR I USE THE CLAWS ON YOU!"

Shadab staggered forward to hold a barely conscious soulmate of mine.

Felicia started flailing her limbs around.

"What about her?" Ned asked as the hospital gang was just about to leave.

"Wait!" Haz yelled and ran into his room.

"What, is he going to smother her with a pillow? Which.... actually isn't such a bad idea." I remarked, as I pressed harder on top of Felicia.
Then to the hospital gang, "Go, are you waiting for him to bleed out!?"

They scrambled out, blood dripping everywhere. 

"Oi, here!" I said as Ned popped his head and I threw the key of my new Audi which had been in my pocket at him.

"Thanks, C.B.!" He says, joyfully and then adds softly, "Nothing's going to happen with him. He'll be fine."

With that, he leaves.

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