Chapter 17

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The image above is because I've just finished binge watching all the ST episodes and I just LOVE Jancy.

The whole chapter will be a flashback.  Also I have never been to New York or America so bear with me, please.

It was a good day so far. No nightmares, surprisingly, had plagued either of us and for the first time in months, I fell asleep to Peter's even, calm breathing beside mine.

Summer break was early this year, because of the rising temperatures and lo and behold we got vacation from the beginning of May.

We decided to stay in Manhattan. Peter and I still spent all our holidays in Queens but this one, after Tony's death, he wanted it to be different. So with his newly inherited money, Peter booked us a posh room in The Plaza.

The looks the concierge and all the staff at the hotel gave us, two rag tag teenagers in ripped jeans, loose t shirts, one clearly very pregnant, hair messy and lips swollen had made it very clear to me that apart from the fact that one half of us was rich, we were dirt to them.

I had wanted to go for a stroll outside, preferably alone which I rarely was nowadays but Peter still jumped to come with me. Sweet but stifling.

"We know it's a boy." Peter began as we walked down 77th Street.

"No shit, Sherlock." I snapped.

He muttered something under his breath which sounded an awful lot like 'damn hormones' but went on, "Have you thought about names?"

"Yes." I say very truthfully. I'd started thinking of names for our baby since I was 9. "I can't quite decide on the first name but I do know that I want Benjamin for a middle name. It's important to you. I wanted Tony but-"

"Can't we have both? Um, ABC Antony Benjamin Reza Parker?"

"I'm not naming my kid ABC. " I laughed, my mood vastly uplifted. "But there's no need to add the Reza, it sounds like more than a mouthful and besides, I'm going to be a Parker soon." I smile softly as I lift up my left hand to show him the promise ring on my index finger. "This better give way to an engagement ring soon."

Peter blushed and mumbled something and I walked to stand in front of him and pulled him down and kissed him.

"I love you, you know that?" He asked as I hummed a very happy tune in response.

"You're a bad singer." Peter laughed as his hand went round my waist.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

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