questions and answers

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Q: are you going to make a sequel? —asked by many 

A: unfortunately, i won't be making a sequel. I'd like to keep it that way since I'd like to keep it a bit realistically and since the story is based off when Daniel was still in high school, for all we know, there could've been something happen similar that we don't know of. but no, I won't, so please understand that. but if you guys want, you can make your own ending for the story, i won't mind.  

Q: favourite thing about writing for other people? —asked by  AlexSyve

A: I guess the reactions. In the beginning of the story, it didn't have a lot of attention, but when it did and people started to comment in different parts of the book, i found the comments entertaining. of course there were a few that irked me a bit, but ignored them and kept reading the funny ones. I loved the reactions from the little twists i added in the book, like logan's mom coming out, nate appearing in the book and the ending part. 

Q: are you going to be writing more bonus chapters? —asked by potterheaddd_

A: there will be one bonus chapter which is also the longest one out of the others, so be on a lookout ;)

Q: when is the next time you will be updating? —asked by whydontwemoozic1

A: when the book reaches a certain number *coughit'salmostto100kcough*

Q: what if you made a sequel, what would happen after she left? —asked by theweirdonezzz

A: she dies

im kidding

I'd be lying if i said i never thought about making a sequel, but when i tried creating one, it just never stuck. I didn't want to drag the story along, because when i tried making drafts, i kept losing interest and that was when I knew that the story should just stand as one. If I did make a sequel, I would've made it with the plot being them both in their third year of college, and Logan was given an assignment to work as a psychiatrist in Portland's hospital. That time, both her and Daniel had lost contact, and they hadn't talked for over a year, so what happened in high school was more like a high school sweet heart type of fling, nothing serious. 

long story short; they wouldn't have married in the end, i probably would've ended it the same way as i did with this book. idk, i feel iffy about having the characters marry in the end

Q: have you ever thought of making a fanfiction about Jack or Zach or something? —asked by WhyDontWe1of5

A: yes, and no. making fanfiction isn't as easy as some might think it is, especially when it's literally involving an actual person. I guess Daniel's personality, appearance appealed to me in a way because i enjoy reading stories with the boy love interest as someone cheerful, or goofy in a way, and that's why it was easier for me to write How To Love because I could picture Daniel in the book. It's slightly harder for Escapades because he's more introverted than he actual is, and almost quite innocent in a way of being the school's poster boy. I've tried thinking up plots that could fit the other WDW members, but I always come up empty handed. 

Q: can you make a sequel and if you do, would you gradually bring the rest of the boys in or would he have already joined wdw then? —asked by 22Izzy22

A: I feel bad for not being able to give you guys a sequel, but that's the decision I've made. But to answer the second part, I wouldn't have added the rest of the members in the story. It would seem easy, because it's like adding characters, but that was one of my problems, i always ended up adding too much characters or no characters at all. Balance was easy cuz it was short, nothing too intense, but cuz HTL has angst and all, it would be hard for me to gradually add them.  

and that's all the questions i could answer in the minimal time i have. i just needed to get a few things out of the way before i officially end this book after the last bonus chapters, i hope this answers the few questions you've asked. I'll proceed to answer questions in the comments if you still have some.

thank you very much, and i hope you have a good day :)x

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