Welcome to the IPA foundation; janitor part 1

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(2nd person)

2 weeks before the incident

IPA foundation

Incarcerate, Preserve, Analyze.

You looked atop the sign's bold letters written across the stamped metal board. One thing that caught your eyes were "help wanted", you understood why there have been the usual occasions of records in death count on that damned foundation. It was a company that analyzed on monsters, supernatural beings, and all that wizard crap. You have heard talks about multiple cases on bodies of workers being shredded to pieces when in contact with those beasts, the image just gives you chills down your spine. But your life by now has been a struggle, after finishing your studies abroad you had one goal in mind for a career. Sadly, you failed to pass their expectations which left you shattered and jobless while being miles away from your family.

You glanced back up on the billboard to see their number at the bottom corner.

You were desperate, and in need of any job based on your lack of planning ever since. You sighed fishing your phone out your pockets to dial, you held on to your jacket slightly shivering at the odd temperatures of Illinois these days, for a season such as spring, it happened to have been freezing. Your phone rang after a few seconds before a voice picked up, and chatted away.

(3rd person)

5 hours before the incident

February 23, 8:30 PM, the sound of the car humming down the pavements of the bureau's gravel path, after reaching the lot it stops to park between the white lines. The hums faint away and the car dies out, the door of the driver's opens. It was the usual nightly shift Y/N was assigned in her new job, she was a janitor, cleaning away the hallways and rooms of the labs and offices of workers. Ever since she had this job she was able to stabilize her budget, and in fact bought an apartment with good food. The grudge on her crumpled dreams and self esteem withered away, as she created friends with other workers in her job.

-A researcher by the name of Dr. Loomis being the closest one she had, he was like a father to her aside from her real one. They would usually have interesting conversations when Y/N was finished with a couple of rooms, the only one that fascinated her the most though was his assigned project on the mysterious hybrid. From what he said, the hybrid happened to have been a half human and animal. They captured him while he was roaming around in killing sprees at Haddonfield, Loomis described how he had an odd mask to cover his face, he told me it was to probably cover up his ears which had me curious. With all of the information he had given it was only brief, but one thing you knew was to not ever fuck with this subject. One of the statements you recalled was a warning of how he would be uncontrollable during Spring, you weren't sure what he meant by uncontrollable but that made your neck hairs stiffen because overtime you've overheard how dangerous he was when cleaning through the gossiping researchers.

Her heels clicked on the rough concrete as she made her way to the front entrance of the building, as usual she passed by the front door to reach to the machines to check in. She then went into the west wing where the female locker rooms were, and replaced her attire to the suitable janitor's uniform. She also changed her heels to boots that wrapped the bottom portion of her pants, not only was the uniform comfortable but it was somehow fairly attractive on her form, how it hugged on her sides on the right places.

She tied her hair into a tight bun and placed her cap on, she then proceeded to grab her equipment in the closets. She wheeled the cart on the clear hallways, this wasn't normal. People usually roamed around these corridors and did their thing, but it was just her, wheeling down to rooms. She started on the west wing at the far corners of the building.

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