(Shortstory #3) His Remedy

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Whether killers perform their heinous acts by the compulsions of their diseased minds, or if they are forced into them by external pressures, has long been a matter of debate. But for one killer, nature and nurture are inextricably linked.

Leatherface kills not from a desire to exert his will over others, to satisfy carnal urges, or even to quiet the voices in his head. He kills because he is scared. Scared that others will hurt him; scared that his family will be displeased with him, scared that their shared willingness to eat human flesh will be discovered.

He does as he is told, his family loves him and that is all that matters. Outsiders are a threat, and threats need to be dealt with.

When the darkness comes, the stars will come out. But she is still afraid of the dark, and he does not think he will ever find the stars.

She looked across the sky next to the bed of flowers, its beautiful morning glow never ceases to bore her while she watches the warm hue of ambiance. She hears a cow bell ringing towards her until her shoulder was lightly pushed by her humble cow's nose; she was beautiful, ever since she found her escaping from those dairy farms. How it gave her sorrow to know that she was separated by her own mother at birth, who was raised to be impregnated and milked until they are brought to the meat factories. She looked forward for this calf to be nurtured correctly, and going back to reunite with her mother was just going to have them separated once again.

"You wish to join me again Marybelle?" She spoke softly and then snorted as the young cow nudged her arm trying to snake through her arm. She sat on the small blanket sprawled on the field while the cow lays to rest below her embrace. This little farm was less lonelier ever since Mary came, how she brought her joy when harvesting plants as she can be a bit playful.

It was stormy in this side of Texas, violent winds and rain that shuttered through her windows on the small house while she held on to her beloved companion that would shudder and quiver at the weather's aggression. She had forgotten one thing outside ever since this storm had begun; she needed to make sure her chicken coop was locked and safe. She stood up causing Mary to yelp before she hushed her, "It will be fine Mary, I just have to check on the chicks." She smiled gently before giving a light nose kiss on the cow's forehead before leaving out the house. The winds and water did their best to strike her little body down, but she continued on forth to the chicken coop and boarded it shut. She was soaking wet from head to toe by now, and the only light source was her house at-least a few feet away.

She suddenly heard the loud screams of a male, possibly stutters of nonsense and whines could be heard across her fence. She quickly ran to the commotion only to find a dark figure about 6 feet wielding a chainsaw with one hand as he limps weakly to the light source. She gasps and quickly runs up to him only to hesitate at his snarls, he was broken, weak, and invulnerable even if equipped; scared if she would harm him at any ways possibly. She whispered softly to him, "I'm here to help you sir, please...Try to work with me." She had a talent for calming animals down, she can calm humans too if by chance?

And it worked, based on how he lowered the chainsaw down and walked towards her outstretched arms while she guided him to her warm cottage. She struggled to open the door until it teared open, the weight on her shoulders were beginning to grow heavier as a sign. "Come on now, don't give up." She said wearily while latching the door shut. He walked towards her couch where Marybelle used to sit and collapsed. She quickly rushed to his form silently gasping in shock at his poor conditions, the man lost his arm after all. Despite his weird mask, she began to arrange everything including medical supplies and equipment. She went to work embarrassingly undressing parts of his body, patching up his wounds, bruises, and especially the large gash on his arm. Mary finally had the guts to walk towards the stranger, out of curiosity before mooing. After a few hours Mary slept, which left her tending his injuries and ignoring her growing tiredness. She took the time to eye his appearance, quite husky but not too muscular and well built, he was surely big enough to be doing dirty work. Her staring continued not until her face turned red from such comments, she had never seen a man like this before, in-fact she never even saw one shirtless and covered in bandages she wrapped up. She brushed off the wild imaginations by walking to her kitchen to whip up a breakfast for him and her, perhaps bacon and eggs.

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