(Shortstory #7) Bundle of sweetness

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-He had found you, passed out next to the river streams from the storm's harsh blows throughout the night. Your peaceful complexion made you appear as if you were an angel. Yet mixed with the blood from the wounds and gun holes that lodged deep beneath your skin; deep enough to create holes through your hospital gown even. He had noticed that your stomach was twice as large as a normal one, which made him tilt his head due to the lack of knowledge in reproduction.

-He hesitated when trying to swiftly decapitate your head from your body, he was unsure and silent, yet the loud and chaotic mental battle in his head continued on until he rested his silver weapon. He didn't know what he was doing, but he felt one thing in the world that made the his cold heart strings tug; and it was pity. He pitied how you looked so mangled and weak, it wasn't the same feeling as he felt when he would see his own victims injured, yet this wasn't from his own work.

You giggled as your hockey masked lover pulled you closer on his lap, the chin of his mask resting on your collar bone while he clasped his own hands on your smaller ones. It was as if it had happened yesterday, where he had found you almost clinging to life from the numerous injuries that decorated your body. After he patched you up, you woke up, and then fate unravelled its magic between the two of your bonds. You leaned back, your neck now resting on his shoulders while you whispered an 'I love you' tenderly.

-He felt all the love and affection from you, everything he had ever wanted and experienced as a kid from his own mother, all given back for his dead heart to savor. You were hesitant at first, lacking the trust on him as he was surely intimidating. Yet as weeks passed by, you learned to understand that he was just lonely. You had grown feelings for him too, though he had the inability to speak, his actions payed everything off as they were kind. You had also learned to be careful when reaching for his mask, as it would often trigger him into rage; so you kept to yourself and drew boundaries.

-Let us not forget your pregnancy, from the past weeks that passed by, that bump began to swell. The worst part being how you had to endure the symptoms that followed, but Jason was always there to try his best and ease your suffering. He would always try to make you feel better, whether it was to steal or murder food and other necessary items. You had also sometimes tend to act like his mother, often snapping at him; but he thought of those as lessons to be corrected. Just wrap your arms around his neck to send affectionate kisses on the nose of his mask, and he will be in love all over again. He sometimes couldn't understand what to do with your problems, but when you complain that the cramps was worse than the last one, he would bring you to his lap and bear hug you until the white pain in your abdomen disappears.

-He was mostly caring, yet had given you a hard time when you would instruct private biology lessons to fulfill his curiosity.

You turned your head to snuggle your head on his neck, and grabbed his hands to rub the now noticeable round stomach of yours. You felt your neck shift, indicating that he tilted his head at your bold action. "There is a baby inside Jason." You spoke, letting the news worm its way in to the male, you felt the mask shift, which probably meant he had his grin plastered beneath. You giggled again, letting him rub around it soothingly while you closed your eyes. He was surely happy, you could tell, and even though the male hadn't ever seen an infant before. He knew what it was, and it gave him memories to back when his own mother raised him. You were carrying a new life inside your womb, and he understood that.

-Jason would pack food and supplies from the people he plunders, it was weekly, though it was for your instead of him. He didn't need to eat, but he would often enjoy chewing one more to relieve his missed memories.

You leaned once more to kiss his jaw, giggling when you felt him tense a bit from the overwhelming affection. It was as if he felt every dread in his body shrink whenever you were around, you were just too lovable and the only one that his mother would proudly call hers.

A pain in the ass to think of a way for preggers reader to be with Jason. He doesn't contribute to sex after all, I decided not to include how you were pregnant, as it would ruin the atmosphere y'know :,)

It has also left holes in this shortstory, I understand. So I hope I can sort it out in here.

You looked forward for a baby, yet you didn't want to fulfill it with carnal desires; so you went to the sperm bank. You ended up being abducted later on, and sold to a group that moved you into a cabin that was miles away from civilization in the densely forests. You managed to escape before they had their way with you, yet it payed a heavy price as you ended up passed out near the river banks with gunshots and wounds on your body.

I hope you also like lime, after multiple debates in my mind I finally thought of a lemon for Jason <3

Stay tuned for that.

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