(Shortstory #5) An angel

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I got wayyyyy too ahead, if you watched Halloween 1 and 2 from (2007-9) you will understand it a bit more clearly

"Are you certain with your choice? He hasn't had any vocal communication with anyone these past months." The elder male replied at your bold statement while brushing his fingers on his rough gray stubbles. You nodded approvingly, from what might have been the 7th attempt to get the idea to worm through his head. The male, still unsure, finally replied, "Not to be rude, but how could a 17 year old female get something out of that boy? Are you planning to satisfy your carnal urges by means?" Cutting him off quickly with the last sentence, you stuttered out a yelp, a bit flustered from such words he had spoke. "N-no sir not at all! I just like children, and I think I see pure in everyone's heart!" You spoke almost in a rush, your hands waving around slightly in embarrassment. He chuckles lightly before looking back into your eyes, "I will allow you just this one, you have this week to get something out of him." He grabbed the glasses that hung on his collar before fixating it on his eyes while he picks up his case. "If the boy shows no contact or emotion towards you, I'm afraid he will be like an animal in a zoo."He tipped his hat before walking away to reach the exit of the asylum. He looked back, only to see you smile brightly before he walked off in the rainy night.

You clasped your hands in victory at the many times she tried to persuade him, she finally looked back to see one of the nurses staring back at you, as if waiting. "Follow me." She responded before giving you no time to catch up. Her heels clicked until they reached to the end of the hallway. There was a light blue door, with a glass window coated with a wired fence. In a split second she left after handing you the keys to mind with more 'important' issues as she calls them. The nerve of that woman.

You brushed off the negative thoughts before unlocking the door, revealing only the 7 year old's back while he was busy with his unusual hobby. The more you looked around you have noticed there were a few masks on each wall, all made out of paper mache painted with multiple colors most being orange. You only stared in slight discomfort as he continued his work, not bothering your presence. With a heavy breath, you went towards him and sat on his bed which was next next to the table. "You have some neat masks Michael." You spoke softly, astonished as you looked closer from the rough yet intricate designs. He still kept his gaze on his little project, often taking short glances on your way whenever you weren't looking. You had almost fallen asleep, still sitting on his bed while your lashes failed to keep up any time soon.

From what felt like hours you felt weight on the bed, your eyes snapped back open and turned to face Michael's smaller form nestled in his bed. He was asleep, more so you thought as he was facing the wall next to the bed. You decided to quietly walk towards his sleeping figure, assuring he was fast asleep, you slowly leaned in towards his head to give it a light kiss. Michael who was still awake, almost tensed up at the sudden affection, and as soon as she exited his chambers, he was able to breathe normally once more. She had shown a little more kindness unlike the others, but she was just as pointless as them he thought. With multiple battles going through his mind that night, he had missed only one thing; acknowledging that he was growing feelings.

After two days, you would often pick him out his room to stroll out, he wasn't too fond of seeing others, but it was a bit better with you and not Loomis. How he was so sick of seeing that bastard's face. He saw through his facade, he never bothered to speak to him anymore, as it would just waste time and possible give out answers from him. In fact, he never bothered to speak to anyone else during then, all except for you. It wasn't literally conversations, but he would use gestures such as nodding and a few others to atleast let you know he cares.

-Loomis saw through your success, and offered to take his place for a while, in encouragement of Michael's slow yet gradual improvement. After a few more months he had learned to be more open towards you, you even made him crack a smile after your homemade mask you created for his birthday. Though, things went to a toll as he almost strangled one of the boys in the lunchroom to death when you had brought your attention to him to assist on his trouble. It was the worst way of expressing his jealousy, as Michael became to be a bit more possessive over you than improving his communication. He dared anyone to touch you, he thought of you as an angel sent for himself, to help him through these gruelling years. His mother always told him how they were kind, and brought good feelings to people. He thought of you as one, it made him sentimental just to think about you leaving him.

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