(Scenario #3) Who would love a psychopath?

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Just the origins of how you were with you murderous S/O, I manipulated a little bit about Y/N in the scenarios.

Jason Voorhees (This was when he wore that sack, anyways enjoy)

Her giggles were the light of his days, and her affection was the purpose of his beating heart, a purpose where the sweet side of Jason comes into play instead of just disembodying corpses. What was usual was that they met when he was hot on her trail, ready to slice her up into pieces, ironic as it was, he happened to have foolishly stepped on his own trap. Just a little gratitude was enough to save her own life, as she helped unwind the bear trap that sunk deep into his ankles despite his threatening gestures.

The bear trap wasn't that serious for him, it was but a humiliating mistake, but the unnatural kindness you've shown to the killer has made his heart skip. It was as if the voice in his head had faded off from the back of his mind, and he felt peace.

He wanted to keep her, all by himself, through the whole weeks it was nothing but her isolation, in which she soon grew used to. He offered her more trust, and she started going out freely as she wanted, using the meat and ingredients he provided from nearby houses or 'abandoned' camp sites. What he loved the most was her cooking, he ate nothing but pure meat due to his lack of skill in culinary. She would make all sorts of food, he was a sweet tooth especially. You were always lying in his little shack, due to his fear of losing someone again. If by chance people happened to have came their way close to his own cabin, he wouldn't hesitate to drop that current body he was busy with and rush to dig a machete in their skull.

The sack would come off, rarely, but when it does, you would always send waves of sweet kisses on his gleaming face. Despite his deformities, you thought he was handsome, and he knew you meant it. Had he always wished no one would touch you, you meant everything to him, you were someone his mother would have been proud to call.

Leatherface (Thomas Hewitt)

It all started when she had shown so much kindness to the behemoth, she was but one of the usual victims Charlie would lure in his house. She was a polite lady, which made her last longer than the rest, even Monty was charmed at her sweet attitude. Though that didn't stop her from being their next meal, unless it was Leatherface; who happened to have been infatuated at her lovely personality radiating to his core. He was inlove, bewildered at her striking smile whenever he did a small task in courtesy. It wasn't until midnight where she escaped after almost being pummeled by Charlie, Tommy had to chase her down, he had no choice.

Things went out of hand when he refused to butcher her up, and proceeded to protect her by raising his arm over her cowering form to shield off Charlie's outbursts. Things were settled, all from mama Luda, this could have been a chance for her boy, a chance to find love.

Throughout the days she was mostly tied down which disappointed Leatherface, but he cherished every moment he got to feed her. She slept on his bed, while he chose to sleep on the floor, afraid of scaring her. As weeks passed the ropes were gone, and they finally even referred to her as family once. She would help Luda around in the store, assist Monty, and even had Charlie ask her to help with the cooking. Most of all, she was there for her sweet Thomas, she grew to be sour with him at the start for not releasing her; yet she finally understood she couldn't be mad at the lovable giant, he tried his best to keep you alive, if anything, he almost risked his own.

You enjoyed cuddling with your man, and when things ended up badly such as him coming back to you with wounds left from the visitors, you were always there to patch him up and give all the love he ever wanted. At his sad times, besides talking it out, he just buries his face on your house dress and wish you would never leave by his side, and hes in love all over again.

Michael Myers

He was, entranced, more so at her uniqueness. Sure she was beautiful, but she held something more in that personality of hers. She preferred to keep things to herself, always walking alone and lacking the social standards. She was more so of a boring type, but her weird obsession towards serial killers made him always look through her windows. She wasn't insane, she didn't pursue on murdering people because whats the purpose? No one has did any harm to her life, and she was infact, happy. He didn't understand why he felt so tugged to the strings, so obsessive to someone other than her dear sister Laurie, he even tried multiple times to kill her in order to get this weird feeling out of his mind. Yet whenever he was close, he would hesitate, and in a few seconds leave quietly. Giving up on his plans, he decided to just indulge through his desires. By that I mean he would watch you, its the only thing he can do, otherwise he would probably scare you. Little did he know you acknowledged the past times he has stalked you, you weren't that stupid like the horror movies when there is an obvious anomaly in the neighborhood. After multiple times assuring he fit to no danger, she finally confronted him, struck at her outplay, she would often laugh every time the memory comes up. It was amusing to always recall how she outsmarted the invincible killer.

That also didn't mean she was stronger than him, she surely had the brains, but he could easily hoist her up on his shoulders lock her up into his house. Ignoring your whines of protest, he proceeded to drag you into his house, he has everything set up for you, a working bathroom, kitchen with food, a bed, and a few other furniture that probably stayed there or was stolen. She learned to grow into the new schedule he provided, plus, no one bothered to concern about her disappearance which made it all easier for him.

Whenever he came home, often satisfied with the blood shed he had caused, he would be happy to see her either asleep or watching, the mask sometimes comes off, and whenever it does she reaches up his height to brush his long dirty blonde hair to give him a light kiss. The bad aura shrinks faintly after that, and he feels the light finally shining in his beating heart.

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