(Shortstory #2) and Beautiful Part 2

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How long has it had been? Ever since that blasted incident had swarmed in your ears ever since. It was only but a few months you left the camp when it happened, as treacherous it can be, you had nothing to do or stop it. For you were no longer with your good friend Jason.

You stood across the bathroom mirror sick and nostalgic from the annual nightmares you still would get, unravelling the deepest and inner fears. You were tired, but couldn't sleep as it was still 3 am, your alabaster skin was pale as it could be from the lack of sunlight and your eyes hidden from the dark circles. You would go through these unhealthy phases at-least a year; This was probably to mourn over your lost friend you were so close to since the youthful days. The good part was you had the audacity to eat and at-least keep a stable weight, though each day your mind deteriorates. Often, you somehow suddenly get better after a few months and come back to your lively self. Your friends called you odd and surreal from these transitions, but your true ones accept your issues and insist on dealing or ceasing your glum waves.

Its been 14 years, rather than the traumas worsening it had been getting slightly better, in fact you've been happy from the past months; But this, this one day slammed into you like a bus, sudden and strong.

You were a mess, your lips were chapped almost losing their plump pink color, you puckered them together staring through the sight of the mirror. Sighing softly you grabbed your scrunchy from your wrists and began to tie it into a tight pony tail. Plans, and thoughts ran through your head, something you should have done before, something you had always wanted to do but never did. You were going back to the camp, this long term illness has struck you so much in life, almost taking your life in fact. You were going to assort this problem, to face it and get over the mournful sickness.

2 weeks later

The sound of the hums of a vehicle echoed through the densely dark forests, the wheels swiveling around the worn road coated in water. The rains have been hard tonight, but you didn't care, you were coming back. Your windshield wipers violently moved, in attempt to wipe out these never-ending droplets blinding your windows enough for you to squint. Your knuckles were shaking and purely white, but you continued on, if death happens to subdue before your arrival then so be it.

It was dark, the moon hidden from the wet coal like skies that shown intimidation on your car's small headlights. From what might have been hours you've grown to be less tense, not until you spotted a fawn on the center of the road. Its head snapped up staring at the incoming vehicle, unable to move from its stunned posture. Fuck fuck, do I stop or-

You had little to no time of thinking through it and twisted the wheel almost breaking it through the process, your car went insane, moving off the road to only smash at the elder trees. The fawn left untouched, scampered to the opposite of your crash never to be spot again. You felt smoke and the pines smothered in dirty water, your car was wrecked enough that it had dents on every side. The scarlet left your mouth nearly drowning your lungs while you choked, one of the scraps of metal dug into your thighs which sounded painful as it felt. Your hands brittle and shaking from the concussion of your brain, you felt black dots appear on your vision. It was until you spotted a dark figure looming towards you, for a few minutes it stood eyeing you, until it walked off. You lost hope to your situation, those light memories of you and your dear friend pouring back to your mind like a film. You finally left death to take your weak heart as you murmured your last words, I'm sorry Jason. The last think you saw were arms moving to your driver's door until you blacked out.

You were numb from head to toe, you felt the steady pulse on your heart while hearing its faint beats, could this have been what the absence of life feel like? Who knew death could feel so comfortable, so soothing when you can feel blankets?!

Your eyes peeked open to see your body bandaged properly and wrapped in layers of blankets, your eyes raked around the room wearingly and in panic. There were designs of the heads of animals, and more bunk beds, a few doors and a table. A cabin it seems, could it mean-

You were cut from the sound of the campfire out the cabin cackling. But how. You gave silent prayers and thanks to the deity above for giving you a chance, safe to say you were probably saved by one of the scouts in the camp, but everything seemed to be silent and not filled with people. Your head twists to the window that reflected on the warm ambience of the campfire. You slowly got out of the bed one of the thin sheets slipping off the wooden floor, you then walked out the cabin barefoot. It seems they also have changed you, you hoped it was a girl also. Your feet felt the dew of the grass, prickling on your toes. You giggled feeling mother nature's green bare palms supporting your legs, you looked up seeing the cool atmosphere, the fog seeming to calm everything. How long was I out? You wondered of scenarios and thoughts in your head while continuing to fulfill your curiosity. Your feet walked into the soothing crowds of trees following the faint trail you so remembered. You recalled everything clearly, the small little meadow filled with bundles of flowers and that...lake. You walked to the other direction where the natural flower beds lay. You reached your destination seeing the calm little opening covered in the sweet variety of petals. You walked slowly towards it before collapsing on your knees as your eyes cloud up. You smiled weakly staring at the beauty of these delicate plants, fragile and untouched; you then stared at the crushed ones that were so tainted and brittle from your weight. For minutes you spent picking them and creating flower crowns that gave you warmth from within. You even almost fell asleep laying beneath the plucked petals and dozens of flower crowns sprawled; not until a certain figure walked towards the peaceful sight. You eyed the tall figure your eyes widening as soon as you see blood on metal, without second thoughts you sat up before backing away to the approaching male. His head tilts not acknowledging his frightening and intimidating appearance, why would you be scared of him?

Your breathing gets heavier until your eyes cloud up once again. The legendary slasher's posture softens as he sees your eyes prickle in tears, until you broke down from your aching heart. You were so grim ever since that loss you've learned to accept death, so you could finally be with him. Your sobs grew louder remembering his fragile self; just like a flower he was picked on, will you be next?

You felt hands grip your shoulders and looked up, seeing the odd murderer inches from your face, he raised his machete while you braced. Your rigorous moving caused some of the bandages to loosen. You heard the wind brush past you to see the weapon struck on the tree next to you. You were in confusion by now, not until you felt his large body embrace yours. Confused and still in tears you broke the embrace and stared at him for minutes. You reached out to grab his mask only for him to hesitate by backing up a few inches with a light guttural snarl. Hurt began to swell on your eyes til he grabbed your hands. You looked up seeing his gesture, with shaky hands he lead yours to his mask to unclasp it, revealing your life long friend's deteriorating face. Your gasp disappointed him and he looked away, not until he staggered at the sudden impact of her joyful form.

"Bambi..." She whispered her face digging into his grayish neck while she gripped his tattered coat tight. She ignored the stinging pain on her thighs as her wound stretched open from the new position, she didn't mind it at all. To finally reunite with her special partner was something from a dream, but this couldn't possibly be one. He was unsure what to do in such a situation besides slashing and murdering, but filled with overwhelming joy he accepted her embrace a small smile forming in his rotted features.

Rumors have been told where Y/N went, they last seen her at midnight driving off her apartment leaving everything untouched. Her friends even called authorities to settle the case, but with so much attempts they were left nothing with dust.

Who knows where she went about, She could have been long gone dead by now.

Yet only but one person knew her existence during those silent months passing by, one person that is greeted with her eskimo kisses and warm cuddles. They still think think they are friends, but it will worm to their head sooner or later.

They were the story of two inseparable friends, more so like lovers.

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