Bite Me

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The Next Day

     "Can I please get some god damn service?" Liz asks, slamming her hand on the bar top. Julian watches from his table with Ava, glancing at any waiter or waitress who passes by. Their eyes get wide and they shake their heads. Ava smacks his arm. "Grow a pair and do it yourself."
     He grunts and stands up, shaking out his leg. He takes the stool next to Liz, resting his hand on her shoulder. "Hi, Liz. They're not going to serve you, you've clearly already been drinking. Did you drive here?" He asks. "Of course not. I'm not an idiot. Just let me have a drink and leave me alone."
     "I can smell the alcohol on you, you're cut off. I can call you a car or I can drive you home, but I'm not letting you go to another bar to drink. Make your choice." He says. "Bite me, Julian."
     "Maybe when you're sober. Have you made a choice? Uber or me?" He asks. "You can drive me. Just don't mistake this for an invite into my pants."
     "I wouldn't take advantage of an intoxicated woman." He assures her, working himself off the stool, she notices his hesitation, placing a hand under his elbow. He pulls away, slightly offended by her help. She narrows her eyes and grabs her purse, storming out of the pub. Julian shrugs at Ava as he leaves, following Liz outside. He guides her to his car, holding the door open for her.
     She pulls it shut while his hand is still on the handle, jerking him forward. He huffs and gets into the driver's side. She doesn't look at him, just out the window.
     Silence deafens them for most of the ride, painfully awkward. By now, Julian has seen the tears on Liz's cheeks. He pulls a napkin out of his door, offering it to her. She takes it and dabs at her cheeks, glancing at him.
     "I know it's none of my business, but you did scare my waiters, so can you tell me what's wrong?" He asks. "You'd just laugh at me for being so stupid." She says. "I'm in no position to judge anyone."
     "Franco was arrested. I guess he killed someone a while ago and they just found the evidence." She tells him. "I thought he had that tumor excuse for everything he had done."
     "This was after the tumor was removed. He has no excuse, no alibi, nothing. And honestly, I think he really did it. You should've seen the guilt on his face when they showed him her picture. He did it, I know he did.
     "You can't glue legs on a snake and call it a lizard." He tells her. "I get it." She says, finally turning to look at him. He glances over, slightly confused. "You do? Cause I don't even know what I just said."
     She let's out a light chuckle, hiding her face behind one of her hands. Julian smiles, turning his full attention back to the road. She was already starting to sober up, this would be a lot easier than he thought.

     "Alright, home safe and sound. I'll be going now, unless you need something." Julian says. Liz places her hands on his waist, looking up as he takes a sharp breath in. He backs against the door, his heart starting to pound.
     She holds him against the door, her lips brushing his. He opens his mouth, giving her more of a chance to steal the breath from his lungs. His phone rings, breaking the kiss. "Hello?"
     "When are you getting back here?" Ava asks. "Half an hour, no, make that fourty five minutes." He says, hanging up and putting his phone in his pocket, picking Liz up. While he was on the phone she'd unlocked and opened the door. He carries her to the couch, practically dumping her. She wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him in close.
     There's a breathless, sweaty kiss. Liz pulls on Julian's belt, loosening it enough to slide his pants down to about halfway down his thighs, exposing his black boxers. He stops kissing her to pull her pants off, taking the time to actually get them off from around her ankles. She's already got him out, her cold hand sending shivers up his spine.
     She winces at the feeling of harsh denim rubbing the sensitive skin between her legs, but doesn't let him stop or move away. Time melts away and minutes seem like hours. Blissful, stress free, earth shaking minutes.
     Liz burries her fingers in his hair, keeping her close until he finally relaxes his muscles, a sigh close to her ear. He pulls away from the bruise he's sucked into her neck, his face red. "I think I should leave."
      "Yeah, you have to get back. Thank you for the ride home, and whatever that was just now." She says, letting her legs fall to either side of him so he can get up. He stands and tucks everything back in, fixing his shirt and hair. "Was that good? You don't already regret it, do you?"
     "No, that was good. I needed that. Thank you Julian. If I need you, can I call you?" She asks. He nods, still slightly out of breath. "Anytime."
     "Okay, okay goodbye." She says, slightly dazed, still half naked on the couch, a smile on her face. He takes off, already knowing that would come back to bite him in the ass. For now, it was worth it.

I can tell you, Julian's certainly right about it coming back to bite him in the butt.
Next time he'll be hooking up with someone he has experience with, lots of experience. That's right, it's Alexis.
And trust me, the next chapter is a little more than just sex.

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