The Last Goodbye

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The Next Day

     Julian bites into his sandwich, scrolling through his phone. He stops on a video of a dog, watching the antics and continuing to scroll. His phone starts to buzz, a name coming up. He accepts and presses it to his ear. "Alexis, did you dial a wrong number?" He asks.
     "No, I didn't. I meant to call you. I need you to meet me at the Rockford Motel, do you know where it is?" She asks. "Yeah. What's going on?"
     "Just meet me there." She says, hanging up. He puts his phone down face down and finishes his food, waving over one of his waiters. "I'm going out, I'm not sure for how long, make sure everything runs smoothly." He says, grabbing his coat and taking off.
     The miles stretch on, starting to roll of him like water off a duck. The silence starts to get to him. He hits the radio button on his steering wheel, flipping until he finds a channel that's not an ad. The song, one he knew well, started to each though his ears and head. He glances into the rear view mirror, a breaking feeling in his heart when he sees the empty back seat, no car seat or toddler.
     When he looks back to the road, there's a truck coming the other way. The thought crosses his mind, however briefly, to turn the wheel. He doesn't and stays in his lane. The thought quickly becomes embarrassing. He didn't want to die, he just wanted to have his family back. Driving into a truck wouldn't end his pain, it would just transfer it to whoever still loved him, admittedly a short list. A very short list.
     Ava, Ava would miss me, if she even noticed I was gone. She's too busy with shiny new boyfriend of hers. Kiki wouldn't miss she, she thinks I'm garbage. Alexis would probably have a dance party, and all her girls, including mine, would join. Lucas would feel relieved. Olivia would be happy it means I'll never be a part of Leo's life. I really don't have anyone. I could die right now and no one would mourn me. Why don't I? It'd be so easy, just turn the wheel. They wouldn't even know that I did it to myself, they could think I hit some ice or swerved to miss a deer.
     I bet I wouldn't even get a funeral. No one would cry. No one would even notice. I wonder how long before someone would even report me missing. Probably a week, maybe more.
     A song change breaks his train of thought, distracting him long enough so he doesn't miss the turn into the motel parking lot. He gets out and walks to Alexis' car, heading to the door it's in front of. He knocks, taking a deep breath.
     Alexis opens the door, pulling him inside and shutting it again. "Why'd you call me all the way out here?" He asks. "We need to talk." She says, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. He sits next to her. "What couldn't you tell me over the phone?"
     "Finn and I are getting serious, it's official. We're dating. But I can't move on until we say a real goodbye. You're still in my head and I need you out. I need to finish our unfinished business." She tells him. "We said goodbye last year." He reminds her. "But we didn't actually say goodbye. We still saw each other after. This needs to be the last goodbye, the final one, forever."
     "Okay. Goodbye." He says, standing up. She grabs his wrist, pulling herself up and into his arms. "You know us, that's not how we say goodbye." She says, pressing her lips to his. He pulls away, an intensity in his hazel eyes. He turns her around and presses her against the wall, pulling her pants down.
     "Do you want me?" A roughness in his voice, his breath trailing up her neck as his mouth finds its way to her ear. "I want you. I want you." She begs, her hands blindly finding his hips. He turns them both, keeping her facing away from him, and pushes her onto the bed. She gets to her hands and knees, placing her forehead on the bed. He grabs her hips, aligning himself.
     Their moans, grunts, cries, gasps, and swears fill the room. A familiar smell drifts into their noses, almost comforting to them. Alexis reaches back and grabs Julian's shirt, not letting him pull away. He wraps his arms around her waist, holding her as close as he could possibly get her. If she wanted to go all in, he'd go more than all in.
     Her knees give out. He follows her to the bed, kissing the back of her neck. His name escapes her lips as he flips her onto her stomach, getting a good look at the tremble in her body. She wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him. "I need more of you. Don't hold back."

     Julian pulls his belt closed, his open shirt still showing off his chest and abdomen, both specimens. Alexis stares, trying to remember every curve and every inch. He notices and works faster to finish getting dressed, covering himself and grabbing his coat from the pile on the floor.
     "Julian, wait. You don't see this the same way as I do. I didn't invite you here to torture you. I did it so we can both move on. I know you love me, even still. I did love you, I loved you more than anything. But you tried to end my life, and I can't forgive that. I will always love the man you used to be, but I can't love who you are now. That's why we had to do this, closure. Now we can go our separate ways. Goodbye Julian, forever."

That Evening

     Julian takes a long drink from the bottle of whatever, he didn't even know what he was drinking at this point. Something strong. His lips quiver, another breakdown on its way. He takes another drink, spitting some out when he starts to hyperventilate. He doesn't wait until he breathing calms down before taking another drink, starting to gag. He pulls a garbage can over, burrying his face in it and losing his lunch.
     He takes another drink and spits that into the garbage can, keeping the next drink for himself. With his hands shaking, he types a name into his phone, the call going through. "I need you. I really need you right now." He cries, finally feeling the true meaning of rock bottom's basement.

I wonder who Jules called, and if they'll be able to help.

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