Must Be Love

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The Next Day (Sunday)

Julian reaches across the table and holds Kim's hand, titling his head playfully. "Come on, we're house hunting, not flirting." She says, turning the tablet back to him. "What about this one?"
"Too many windows." He says, swiping to the next one. "What about this?"
"Look at that staircase, it's beautiful but it's too steep. That's no good with a baby in the house." She says, taking the tablet and continuing to scroll. Julian looks around the bar, waiting for Kim. He catches a glimpse of a familiar face and stands up, touching Kim's shoulder as he walks over to the bar. "Paige?"
She turns around, forcing a smile. Her smudged makeup and red cheeks tells him that she's been crying. "J-Julian, I didn't know you had a girlfriend. I'm so sorry." She covers her face with her hands. "What? No no no, I mean, yes. Kim's my girlfriend, but we weren't dating when I was with you and the others. And don't worry, Kim knows about our little, orgy."
"I'm glad she knows, because this is about to get complicated. Julian, I'm pregnant. You're the father and you'll need to take them, I can't raise them. I have no money and my living conditions aren't suitable for a baby. Please, I don't want to get rid of them but if you can't take them, I will. I know it's a lot to process, but I need to work the details out fast."
Julian nods. "A baby?" He asks, leaning on the counter. Kim gets up and rushes to him, a hand on his back. "Oh hey honey, this is Paige. She's pregnant too." He says.
"Too?" Paige asks. "Your girlfriends pregnant too?"
"No!" Kim exclaims, jumping between them. "He's talking about that friend of yours, Allison."
"Allison, she's, pre-pregnant?" Paige asks. "We found out yesterday. That's why I was looking for a house. I'll be raising me and Allison's baby, she's not keeping them as her own." He explains, already getting a sense of what she's about to ask.
"If you're going to raise Allison's baby, then it should be no problem to raise ours too. Oh Julian, please."
Julian swallows and nods.


"Is Julian here? I need to speak to Julian." Marissa tells Tony, nearly making the skidding young man jump out of his skin. "He, he's in his office. I'll go get him." Tony says, taking off.
Marissa takes a seat at the bar, resting her head in one of her hand. "Oh baby, I really hope he's as good a man as I think he." She says, placing her other hand on her stomach.
Julian comes out, Tony hiding behind him. "Marissa, I must admit I was kind of expecting you." He says, offering a hand. She takes it and gets off the stool, following him back to his office.
"I know this is a huge commitment and I have no right to be asking you to do this, but I can't do it myself. I'm pregnant, Julian, and it's yours. I can't raise a baby, I don't even like babies. You'll need to take them, or I can put them up for adoption." She says bluntly. Julian scratches at his chin, glancing down at the notes scribbled on the pad on his desk.
"This morning I wired four thousand dollars into Allison's bank account and worked out a plan of visitation for Paige. Now you're here, telling me that you too are expecting my child. I'm not a genius, but I've lied before. You look me in the eyes and tell me if you three are setting me up."
She grabs his chin and stares at him. "I'm not setting you up. This is real and I'm even more terrified than you are. Don't think for one second that I would lie about this. I am a good and honest woman and I've never hooked up with a stranger before. You put this inside me and I'm offering to be a human incubator for you. I don't even know Allison and Paige, we all meet at the batchlorette party and haven't talked since. I can't speak for them but I know for sure that there is a tiny human being inside me and it's half you."
Julian pulls himself away and sits at his desk. "I believe you. And I'd love to raise our child. I promise they'll know only love." He says, handing her his business card with his cell written on the bottom.
"That's it? You don't want to talk about anything else?" She asks. "That's why I gave you my numbers. We'll talk another time. I can't right now, I just can't. I have a headache and in the last twenty four hours I found I'm having three babies with three different women. The last time I did that it took thirty something years. It took thirty something minutes with you three."
"I am really sorry that I'm dumping this on you, but I can't be a mother." She says. "Please leave, we'll talk some other time." He says, laying his head on his desk. She touches his shoulder and leaves.

That Night

.Kim runs her fingers through her wet hair, watching Julian from the mirror. He's busy with expense reports and doesn't see her looking at him. "Hey Julian, I think we should talk about these girls who claim they're expecting your kids. I don't know if I believe them or not. What if they're just going after your money?"
Julian puts his clipboard down and pats the bed next to him. She gets up and goes over, curling up under his arm. "I know that you're just looking out for me and I love that, but I don't care about my money right now. I'm more worried about my babies."
She nods and kisses his cheek. "You're gonna be a good dad." She assures him, seeing some doubt in his eyes.
"I was a good dad. I was a great dad with three beautiful children who meant the world to me, a wife I adored, a multi million dollar media company, and a future free of my past. Now I'm living in a bar, my ex-wife and kids hate me, and I'm about to become a single father to three strangers' babies. And somehow, I'm happier like this. Because I have you. With you I don't have to chose my words carefully and I don't have to pretend to be someone else. I can be me and you won't hold it against me. Kim, I know it's a lot that I'm asking of you if you say yes and I understand if you say no. Whatever house we pick, I want you and Oscar to move in with me."
"Oh Julian, this is all moving so fast. I want to stay yes, you have no idea how badly I want to say yes, but I can't just yet. I have to ask Oscar. If he says yes too, than yes. But if Oscar doesn't want to, I'll still be there for you every step of the way, I just won't be living with you full time. But I want to. I wanna lay next to you every night, wake up next to you every morning, have every meal with you, raise a batch of beautiful babies, all of it."
Julian wraps an arm over Kim and burries his head in her neck, closing his eyes. She kisses his forehead, running her fingers over his cheek and waiting for his breathing to slow. When it does, she can tell he's asleep. "Hey, Julian, I think I love you."

Kim must really be hooked. But when she finds out about his other ladies, do you think she'll be as excepting?

Also, if you haven't checked out my new story "An Alien, A Human, And A Baby" I would really appricate a read. There's currently only two chapters, so things are still getting started.

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