Nurse's Ball Part 1

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Two Weeks Later

"Could you boys please stop playing video games for five minutes and get yourselves ready." Kim says, walking in front of the tv, Julian and Oscar moving to see around her. "Earth to Julian, we're going to a fancy event and you're still wearing jeans. Get your tux on."
"Just a minute, we're in the last nine." Julian says, focused on the screen. Kim stays in front of the t.v., getting no response. Shaking her head she goes behind the t.v. and unplugs it, the screen going blank. Oscar and Julian drop their controllers, turning to Kim in horror.
"I was just about to take Julian out." Oscar says.
Julian gasps. "Oscar, we had a pact."
"I needed your legendary shotgun." Oscar tells him, dodging a noogie from Julian. He jumps up and hides behind Kim.
"Oh no, no. I'm not your shield. You need to go get dressed and ready, young man. And as for you mister," she points at Julian, "you'd better do the same."
"I'm going now." Julian says, kissing Kim on the way to their bedroom.
Kim turns back to Oscar, giving him a look only a mother could possible conjure up. "Don't you have to get ready to baby sit your little sister?"
"Oh yeah! I'm watching Scout. Thanks for reminding me, I totally forgot." Oscar says, rushing off to his room.
Kim shakes her head, realizing that her hand is resting her stomach and quickly dropping it. She heads into the bedroom, wrapping her arms around Julian's waist. "I like this look." She says, tracing her fingers along the groves in his chest.
"And I love this look." He says, running his fingers along her cheek.
She pulls away, yanking on his waist band. "We gotta get ready."


"Hold up," Julian says, holding his phone so Kim can see, "Liz wants to come in after us. We should wait for her."
"Look at you, Mr. Chivalrous. I'm so glad I'm on your arm tonight." Kim says, kissing his cheek, knowing full well that everyone in the Metro-Court lobby can see them.
They hear a sarcastic laugh behind them and turns to see Olivia and Ned, her hanging off his arm like a paid escort. Julian and Kim exchange a look. "Hello Jules, I see we're showing off our new girlfriend. That was fast."
"Hello Ted, I see you're showing off your trophy wife. Who's with my son tonight?" Julian asks, not in the mood for any more banter. He'd started to miss Leo even more lately. The very real idea of Leo never meeting his baby brothers and sisters killed him.
Olivia moves in front of Ned, poking Julian's chest. "It's none of your business who's with Leo."
Julian knocks her hand away. "I'm his father. I have every right to know who's watching my son tonight."
"You will never be Leo's father and you'll never have any rights to him." Ned says, grabbing Olivia's arm and leading her to the red carpet.
Julian turns back to Kim, a fading anger in his eyes. "Sorry you had to witness yet another clash with our esteemed mayor. He's a pain in my ass. Son of a bitch probably won't even let Leo meet his little siblings."
"When things have calmed down and all the custody agreements with the moms are settled, we can fight for visitation or partial custody of Leo." Kim suggests, rubbing his arm.
"I guess. It's just that- Lucas?" He asks, smiling at his oldest son. Lucas swallows and glances at Brad.
"Hi Da-Julian. Hi there Kim, you look lovely." Lucas says, taking a few steps away until Brad follows. Julian watches his son go down the red carpet, a look of love and admiration in his eyes.
Kim notices, resting her head on his shoulder. "I know you love your kids. Maybe they'll give you another chance once they see how good you are to their unborn siblings."
"These babies aren't a way to get my other kids back, that ship has sailed. I'm starting over from scratch, with you, Oscar, and my new batch of babies, and maybe Leo some day."
"Hm, speaking of your babies," Kim says, glancing towards the door. Sam and Jason walk in, Sam pretending to not see her father and Kim. There's a soft anger in Kim, and Julian sees it immediately. He slips his arm around her and pulls her into a kiss. A kiss she's happy to receive.
When she finally pulls away, she knocks into Sam, falling back into Julian's arms. Sam turns around before she realizes who she's bumped. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know anyone was behi- Oh, Kim."
"Hello Sam, you look lovely. Oh, and Jason, you look here. If Drew isn't coming tonight, I gotta find out what Oscar is doing. I'm assuming he'll just hang out with his dad, but if Drew has something else going on I'll need to find something to do with him." Kim says, looking to Julian. "I'm gonna go call him."
Kim goes over to a quiet corner, pressing her phone to her ear. Julian smiles at Sam. "Hi there, honey, you look so beauti-"
Sam grabs Jason's hand and they head to the carpet.
Julian turns around towards the door, hoping the next person to walk through will be Liz, but it's not. Alexis and Finn come in, both tensing up when they see Julian, for different reasons. One of Alexis' hands find their way to her stomach, the other one, looped with Finn's, let's go. "Julian, hi. Are you alone tonight?"
He doesn't respond, instead he just opens his arm for Kim. She rests her head on his chest. "I just talked to Oscar, he's spending the evening with Drew and Scout for some bonding time. Hello Alexis. Doesn't Julian look dashing?"
Before Alexis can say anything in return, Liz comes in. Julian waves her over, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "You look great. How are you feeling?"
"Much better. I don't know why they call it morning sickness, I always get it after lunch." Liz laughs. "I hope you two weren't waiting too long for me."
"Oh no, just a few minutes." Julian says, his eyes locking with Alexis. "But I'm bored of waiting, let's go now."
"I'm so excited!" Kim beams, pulling Julian behind her.

A While Later

"Would you look at the way he's flaunting her. She's like his skinny, little prize. She's arm candy to him." Alexis scoffs, glancing up at Sam. "I mean, how can she be okay with him? She knows what he did to me."
"I really don't think stressing over them is going to help you in any way. Julian will betray her and that'll be that." Sam says, looking back towards the bar where Finn was waiting. Jason had gone to the bathroom. Their absence left the table painfully quiet.
Molly had finals and couldn't come. Kristina was still awol. Maxie decided at the last minute that she couldn't go without Nathan. Lucas and Brad were sitting at another table, they hadn't even greeted each other.
Alexis watches the ice cubes swirl around in her water, unexplained anger brewing in her chest. "Who does he think he is bringing her like that?" She asks, turning to see his table. "Where'd he go?"
Sam joins her looking around, Kim's eyes leading them right to the stage. They were in between acts and the next one was just about to start. The lights come on, Julian standing in the center of stage, Rose sitting on a stool with a guitar off to his side.
A wave of silence hits the ballroom, no one quite knowing how to react. "I didn't know he could sing." Sam whispers to her mother. Alexis nods, she was even more lost than Sam. Julian swallows and moves closer to the microphone.
"Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it. I tried to be chill, but you're so hot that I melted. I fell right through the cracks. Now I'm trying to get back." He starts to sing, looking to Kim for comfort.
The smile on her face and tears in her eyes gives him a much needed boost of confidence. "But I won't hesitate. No more, no more. It cannot wait, I'm yours."
He finds his eyes wondering to Alexis, but blinks them back to Kim. "Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love."
Kim covers her mouth, black trails from her mascara running down her cheeks. She squeezes her eyes shut and starts to cry them. Julian let's his eyes wonder again, this time to Sam. "Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing, we're just one big family. And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved."
By the time Kim's eyes are opened again, Julian's back looking at her. There's a moment he catches Lucas' gaze, surprisingly little anger in his oldest son's eyes. Julian turns to Rose, not wanting to test his luck with Lucas. She smiles at him, her eyes darting to Alexis.
This time, Julian makes no effort to hide that he's looking at Alexis. "I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror, and bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer. But my breath fogged up the glass, so I drew a new face and I laughed."
He turns back to Kim and goes through the rest, his eyes never needing to drift away. He found what was looking for.
"I'm yours." He whispers, putting the mic back on the stand and jumping off stage, a sharp pain going up his leg. Kim crashes into him before he needs to stand up, hugging him tightly and covering his face in kisses. Most of the crowd cheers, obviously a lot less than other performances. That wasn't why Julian did this, he wasn't singing to the crowd.
"That was so romantic. What did I do to deserve this?" She asks, going in for another kiss.
He pulls away, cupping her cheeks. "You didn't need to do anything, even though you did, all you needed to do was be you. I love you, Kim Nero."
"I love you too! Oh God, I love you so much." Kim cries, going in for one last kiss before letting Julian go.
He motions towards the stage, smiling at Rose. "A round of applause for Rose Harke?"
Applause and praise starts, Rose rubs her arm. She wasn't used to cheering when her clothes were on.
The cheers a cut short when the doors burst open, five men in ski masks with guns come pouring in. Julian goes to wrap his arms around Kim, a rifle butt to the head sending him to the ground.
He blinks, the room starting to spin. As things fade, he can hear Kim scream. Then nothing.

To be continued...

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