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Claire's Pov:

" Zac what the hell was i thinking?!" Daya panicked pacing around the very clean lounge room, at Zac's place, today was the Daya of that dinner or whatever to was, that Daya would be meeting Zac's grandparents and she was panicking to say the lease..., " Ohhh my god! why the fuck did i say yes to Starla to do it here!?" she gestured to Zac's home.

Zac was leaning on the kitchen bench watching her amused, and letting her rant, I'm guessing she did this a lot, because he and Dylan don't look bothered by it at all, " Zac maybe we should clean the house again! i mean look around us!" she exclaimed, as we all looked around to see it was spotless and so very clean.

" its a god damn mess! i mean look! my heels are all messed up my the front door! that is a trip hazard !" she continued and rearranged her heels in the order thats she wanted it to be in.

" Daya thats the 8th time you..." Dylan trailed off seeing Zac shake his head, 'No' at him, " you know i really love that order." He changed what he was going to say.

" Ohh my god did i even clean the house today!" she exclaimed and went around the house, moving things slightly and made sure everything was clean.

" Wish she cleaned the house did good for us." Darnell told Zink amused, who nudged him to shut up and point to the glaring Daya, " right it perfect Daya." Darnell told her smiling.

Starla and David walked in the door, just as Daya, started to freak out again about the house being to dirty, they looked around them and looked at her amused, " Daya, dear... you need to calm down." Starla spoke up to her warmly.

Daya gasped and turned to the older couple, " Ohh my!! Starla thank god your here!" she exclaimed and hugged Starla, sighing in relief, " please tell me everything is fine! i am freaking out!"

David laughed at Daya, " your fine, Daya, they will love you." he assured her, smiling, beef hugging her, once Starla let her go.

" i just want them to like me! they mean so much to Zac and you guys, i want them to approve..." she confessed out, calming down, and smiled at him.

Starla chuckled and hugged Daya gently, " if we love you, then they will, your an amazing woman, Deary."

Daya sighed out and nodded, " okay i need to change..." she said more calmly, " thank you." she told the two of them, smiling thankful.

" your welcome." Starla smiled at her and let her go, " now go and change, bring out that confident Daya i meet, for the first time, when you and Zac where best friends."

Daya nodded and smiled, before walking down the hall, closing Zac's bedroom door, behind her, when she entered it.

" Ohh thank god..." Dylan let out a breath he was holding, " i thought she would tell me off for breathing to loud or something."

Zac chuckled, " you get use to it, she was the same before meeting mom and dad, took me a lot of reassuring to calm her down, well that and letting her on the trapeze to let her emotions go." He told Dylan and hugged Starla and David, greeting them.

" i told you she liked you back." Starla grinned at Zac, pulling away from there hug, " I could tell as soon as i meet her, she's perfect Zac, don't let her go."

" i never plan to." Zac nodded to his mom, smiling.

" she really thinks your grandparents won't like her?" David asked Zac, raising a eye brow, amused.

Zac sigh and shook his head amused, " the rant began last night." he told them and us, smiling, "i let her keep me up until 4 am, just to rant about them not liking her or her being not good enough, before i finally calmed her down and she actually went to sleep, but she started up again during breakfast."

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