1: Riverdale High.

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Toni's POV: At Toni's trailer.

I was woken up to loud bangs on my front door. "Hey Toni you in there? Get up!" Jughead shouts. Shit. I must have fell asleep on my couch watching Netflix. Again.
"Jug! I'm up. Let yourself in." i call as i run towards the bathroom.
"Late again?" he asks. I hear him open the door and close it behind him.
"Yes, but ill be quick" i say as i throw handfuls of water over my face.
After washing my face, i head into my room to get changed. I put on my black tights and a small black skirt. Then i put on a plain black top and my serpent jacket. I do my hair in the half up style i've been loving and do a bit of makeup, and i'm done.
"I'm done Jug, let's go" i say putting on my boots
"15 minutes. A new record" he chuckles.
I wink at him and walk out the door and down the stairs of my trailer. He follows me and shuts the door tight.
"Where are you going?" Jug asks.
"What? School obviously." i reply confused.
"We need to go on our motorbikes to Riverdale High. It's our first day."
I throw my head back and groan. The day that i've been dreading is finally here. I climb on the back of Jugs motorbike and we drive off.

Toni's POV: At school.

When we arrive, Jug parks his motorbike right outside the school doors. I hop off and walk inside to find myself in one of many crowded corridors. "Jug! Toni!" i hear. It's Sweat Pea. "Oh hey Sweat Pea." Jug says. I just smile. "Have you ever seen more of a stuck up school?" Sweat Pea jokes as we all laugh.
"So Toni, are you excited? You know what they say, new school, new start." Jug asks.
"No, i'm not excited. Not one bit." i reply.
"Naw, come on. You never know, you might find yourself a new man." Jughead nudges me jokingly.
"Dude! We all know that Toni is more into girls anyway." Sweat Pea says whilst shoving Jug.
"Oh yes, that's right. Sorry Toni, i forget sometimes." Jug says.
I laugh and shake my head. "Don't worry about it." We all walk to our first class.

Toni's POV: In class.

Jughead, Sweat Pea and I take the three seats at the back of the class and sit patiently as the rest of the room starts to fill up with other students.  I watch as everyone comes in one by one until one girl catches my eye, mainly because she's wearing bright red, but also because of her aura. My eyes widen as i watch her walk in and to her seat which is only a few away from mine.
"Pst! Toni, quit staring." Jughead hisses.
"What? I'm not staring!" I hiss back.
"You were practically drooling" he teases.
"Shut up, Jug!"
Him and Sweat Pea laugh as they playfully nudge each other.
"Ooo Cheryl." Sweat Pea mocks. I turn to them both and glare, they quickly wipe the grins from their faces. Cheryl? Is that her name?
The class starts but i don't focus on a word that comes out of the teachers mouth, instead i am much more occupied by the girl sat in front of me. I watch as she wraps her long, red hair around her finger and fiddles with her pens on her desk. She is swearing a red top with a black skirt and some knee high, black heeled boots. I am interrupted from my stare by the bell. Everyone rises from their seats and picks up their books, so i do the same.
"Cheryl!" Jughead calls. "Come over here!"
I look up startled. I turn to him.
"What the fuck..." i mouth to him, angrily.
He smirks at me. "Here's your chance."
Before i can reply Cheryl is standing over his desk.
"Ah Jughead, still a hobo i see." Cheryl says, looking him up and down. Sweat Pea and I snigger at her comment. She turns to look at me and i can feel her eyes staring down. I look up and smile.
"I'm Cheryl, by the way. Cheryl Blossom." she says
I get butterfly's in my stomach. "I know" i reply. She looks at me and tilts her head to the side. "Uh i mean, I'm Toni, nice to meet you" i say to try and save myself.  She smiles and nods. And with that, she turns around and walks out the door into the corridor.
I gather the rest of my books and head towards the door.
"Toni and Cheryl sitting in a-" Sweat Pea begins to sing. I cut him off "Shut the fuck up, Sweat Pea." i say, stomping away.

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