9: It's Offical.

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I woke up with Cheryl's arm over my waist. She was sleeping soundly and I smiled knowing she was mine. Reaching carefully, i grabbed my phone from the drawers and checked the time, 6:51am. We had school so i decided that it was probably best to get up. I gently lifted Cheryl's arm off from my waist and shuffled off the bed, being as silent as i could. If she didn't wake up in 10 minutes then i decided i'd have to wake her myself.
I made my way over to my wardrobe to find some clothes to wear, and some for Cheryl too as she spent the night. Knowing her, she would never go to school in the same clothes as the day before.
For Cheryl, I tried to stay with her aesthetic by picking out a black skirt and a red top (that i never wear because it's red.) I lay it on the end of the bed for her when she wakes up.
I have just begun to get ready by putting a bra and pants on when i hear her voice.
"Toni?" she says softly.
I turn around to look at her. "Morning Angel! Sleep well?" i ask her, cheerfully.
"I did thank you, you're in a good mood." she says, stating the obvious.
"Of course i am." i reply, thinking back to last night.
"Oh have i missed you." she laughs to herself and sits up, holding the bed sheets over her naked body.
"I've left you some clothes to wear, they're at the end of the bed." i say rummaging through my closet.
I hear her get up and slip on her bra and pants. I turn round as i didn't want to miss the sight. I walk over to her sexy body and gave her a hug. "Thank you for last night." i say.
"Anything to make you forgive me." she replies.
I kiss her on the cheek before making my way over to my mirror to make sure my outfit looks okay.
"Toni?" Cheryl says, for the second time this morning.
I turn around. "Yes?"
Cheryl pats the bed. "Come here and sit down."
I make my way over and sit down facing her. She grabs my hands and begins to speak. "You know when i told you that i wanted to keep us a secret?"
I nod. "Yes i remember."
"Well i've decided that i don't want to hide it anymore. I'm proud of my sexuality and i'm proud to have a girl like you." she smiles.
"Really? That's great Cheryl." i exclaim.
Everyone at school already knows i'm bisexual but no one knows that Cheryl is, apart from me of course.
"Yeah. And i don't want to announce it, i just want us to be ourselves in public without being cautious and people can take it how ever they like." Cheryl explains.
"That's so brave of you." I tell her as i squeeze her hand.
She pulls me in for a kiss.

Toni's POV: At school.

Cheryl and i strut into school holding hands like we're in a movie. I feel like a million pounds with this girls fingers interlocked in mine. People take a few glances at us but no one really cares enough to say anything, which is good.
We make our way over to Betty and Jughead who seem to be having an intimate conversation against the lockers.
"Hey guys." Cheryl loudly interrupts them.
Jug and Betty turn their heads to face us. "Hey." Betty replies, not phased.
Jughead looks us up and down with a confused look on his face before beginning to speak. "Have you-"
"Made up? Yes." i say, cutting him off.
"And are you..." he starts a question again but this time, Betty cuts him off.
"...a thing?" she asks.
"Yes." i reply. "We're a thing." i copy her words.
Cheryl and i haven't actually made ourselves an official couple but we will happily take 'a thing' as a title.
"Congrats to you both." Jughead says before putting his arm around Betty and walking off.
Cheryl turns to me. "Just a thing?" she asks.
"Yes technically we are just a thing. I haven't asked you to be my girlfriend and you haven't asked me." i reply.

Toni's POV: Walking home.

I decided to walk Cheryl home today just because i like to make sure she is safe all the time, i have missed having her around me for the past few days.
We get to the gates of Cheryl's long driveway as she turns to me. "Thank you for walking me home." she says.
"You're very welcome, darling." I reply, joking around.
She doesn't laugh at my silly phrase but is looking at her feet instead.
"Is everything okay?" i ask.
"Yes. Can i ask you something?" she replies.
"Of course."
"Toni..." she grabs my hands. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
I was not expecting her to ask me that, if anything, i thought that i'd be the one asking her. But i'm excited anyway.
"Yes! Of course i'll be your girlfriend." i exclaim whilst jumping up and down and giving her a hug.
She smiles at me and gives me a kiss.
"Ill walk you to your front door." i tell her.
She nods and takes my hand. We make our way up her long, curved driveway. When we get to her door, i could tell she was nervous. She clearly hated her home.
"Don't worry." i say to make her feel a bit better.
"Thank you again. For walking me home" she says, pulling me in for a hug.
Just at that moment, her mother swings open the door, forcing us to quickly pull away from the hug.
"Cheryl! Where have you been! Get inside now!" her mother screams, pulling Cheryl's arm and shoving her into the house. Her mother steps outside and shuts the door behind her so it is just me and her in the driveway.
She gets very close to my face. "If i ever see you with my daughter again, consider yourself dead." she harshly whispers.
I grin at her. I'm not scared of some rich bitch like Cheryl's mother.
"In your dreams." i whisper back.
She grabs me viciously on my arm and digs her fingernails into my skin. "Get out of here, you Serpent Scum." she tells me.
I pull my arm away from her grip and turn around to walk back down the driveway. I hear her slam the door behind me.
"What a nightmare..." i mumble to myself.

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