11: A Plan.

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Toni's POV: At school.

It had been about 2 days now since i last saw Cheryl, she hadn't been at school, nor had she texted me.
I missed her but more importantly, i was worried. It wasn't like Cheryl to ever be off her phone as she was always posting on social media. I wasn't the only one that noticed her absence.
"Hey, Toni." Veronica says as she approaches me. "Have you seen Cheryl? I need to ask her something."
"No." i replied worriedly. "She hasn't been at school or on social media for days now."
Veronica grew concerned. "Really? That's not like Cheryl at all and it seems like a sure sign of fowl play." she says.
I nod. "I agree and i think we need to do something about it."
Veronica was about to reply before she was interrupted by Betty.
"Hey guys. Are you okay? You both look pretty worried." Betty says.
"No Betty, we're not okay. We think that something terrible has happened to Cheryl and we need to do something." Veronica explains.
"Why? What's happened?" Betty asks.
"The last time i saw Cheryl, it looked like her mother was very angry at her and ever since then, she hasn't been at school and she hasn't been on her phone either. I feel like Cheryl and her mother had an argument and her mother did something to her." i express.
"You believe that?" Betty asks.
"Yes, yes i do and we need to do something about it. As soon as possible." i demand.
Betty and Veronica look at each other and nod.
"I agree." Veronica says.

Toni's POV: In the lounge.

I was sitting on the red sofa in the lounge, tapping my foot. I tap my foot when i'm nervous and i was nervous for Cheryl. Just then, Kevin enters.
"So i heard all about your marvellous plan, and i am so in." He explains. I look at him and stay silent.
"Come on Toni. I am the best person for this, i've got contacts and i am really well educated on... just about everything." he says.
I roll my eyes at him. "Fine Kevin. You're in." i say.

Toni's POV: At Cheryl's house.

The four of us knock on the front door of Cheryl's house, waiting for her mother to open it. And she does.
"Hi Mrs Blossom. Is Cheryl in? We need to work on a project for school." Betty says.
Her mother glares at us.
"Cheryl isn't in, and if she was, i wouldn't let any one of you take one step inside of my house." she says before attempting to slam the door on us. Veronica shoves her hand out, causing the door to remain open. "Do you know where she may be?" Veronica asked.
"No i don't. Nor do i care." Mrs Blossom replied.
"You don't know where your daughter is? Surely that's worrying for you as she clearly isn't with us and she isn't at home." i say, slowly, hoping to scare her mother into telling us something.
"I don't care." she snaps.
"Incase you didn't know, Mrs Blossom, my name is Kevin Keller meaning i am the son of Sheriff Keller. So i suggest you let us in before i give him a call letting him know that Cheryl is missing and that her mother has something to do with it." Kevin says.
She sighs. "Fine." Cheryls mother says. She steps aside so we could all get in the door.

We find ourselves sat inside of Cheryl's living room, facing her mother.
"Make it quick, i am not in the mood to be questioned." Her mother says.
"Where is Cheryl?" i ask, plainly.
Her mother stays quiet so i ask her again.
"Mrs Blossom... Where. Is. Cheryl?" i say aggressively.
"At another school." her mother replies.
"What?" all four of us say at the same time.
"I noticed that Cheryl's grades were lacking so i decided it would be a good idea to transfer her to a private boarding school where she could improve." Mrs Blossom explains.
Betty, Veronica, Kevin and I all glance at each other. Non of us believed her story.
I get an idea. "Is Cheryl's phone here?" i ask.
"No, i haven't seen it." Her mother replies. "I've explained myself enough, now get out." she says whilst pointing at the door.
"Come on guys, let's go." i say, getting up.
The other three stand up and follow me out the front door.
When we get further enough away from the house, i begin to tell them my idea.
"If i remember correctly..." I start. "...Cheryl has her phone GPS location turned on, she did it so i knew where she was at all times. She told me to always check it because she was afraid that her mother would do something to her."
"And you're only just remembering this?" Kevin asked.
"Yes, i forgot. And it only came back to me when we were sat inside." i reply.
"Well quit talking and take a look." Veronica says.
We all crowd around my phone as i use the app to find Cheryl's location. When i pin point where she is, Kevin let's out a loud gasp.
"What? What is it?" Betty asks.
"She at..." Kevin starts. "...She's at the Sisters Of Quiet Mercy."
"What's that?" Veronica asks.
"It's basically a home for the troubled." Kevin replies.
"A home for the troubled? Cheryl isn't troubled." i scream. The thought of this made me very angry.
"Well, they could be doing gay conversion on her i guess... that's the only reason i can think of that explains her being there" Kevin explains. He must know about Cheryl and I.
"Gay conversion? What century is this?" i say.
Betty rubs my back. "If she's at The Sisters Of Quiet Mercy, then that's where we will go." she says. "I know where it is, i used to visit my sister when she lived there."
"Great. Let's go" Veronica says. "Tonight at 10, we have to wait til it's dark?"
We all nod. It was a plan.

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