10: The Sisters.

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Cheryl's POV: Cheryl's house.

I heard my mother shut the front door and i came down from the stairs.
"Mother? What did you say?" i asked her, referring to hers and Toni's encounter outside.
"Nothing. Just know you won't be seeing her again." she replied quietly.
"What?" i was shocked by what she just said and i didn't really know what she meant by it.
"Never mind Cheryl, get in the car. We need to go somewhere urgently." she says putting on her hat.
"No." i say, making my way closer to her. "I'm not going anywhere, especially with you." i felt a tear of anger and frustration roll down my face.
She came very close to my me, so close that i could feel her warm breath on my skin. "Get. In. The. Car." she mumbled in an evil way.
I shoved past her and swung the door open and climbed into the passenger seat of her red car. She joined me shortly after.
"Where are we going mother?" i asked. All she did was look at me whilst turning on the engine. I asked her again, but this time more aggressively.
"We're going to fix you, Cheryl." she said.
I didn't know what that meant but it terrified me. I stayed quiet for the whole journey because i was too scared to say a word.
We drove for what seemed like hours, down small narrow paths until we got to a large, plain-looking building that was located in the woods. The building was surrounded in tall walls of barbed wire and the sun had set by the time we arrived which made it look creepy.
"Get out, we're going in." My mother demanded.
I did as she said, still to scared to make a sound.  We walked through the door at the front.
When we entered, we were 'greeted' by a small, old woman who had to look up to speak to us.
"Who do we have and what's the problem?" the old woman asks.
"Cheryl. Cheryl Blossom and a conversion." My mother replied.
The woman noticed my phone in my hand and snatched it off me. "You won't be needing that." She says as she places it on the counter.
I turn to my mother, confused and terrified. "A conversion? What's a conversion and why won't i need my phone?" i asked.
The woman chuckled and my mother shook her head.
"Don't worry." The old woman said. She took me by the arm and guided me down a dark, narrow corridor . I tried to pull away but she wouldn't let go. I could feel myself getting even more angry than i already was. "Get off me!" i shout as i pushed the woman away. As i did so, two tall and strong looking men came running down the corridor towards me. They were wearing doctors uniforms and had masks over their mouths and noses. I turned around to try and run away, but they grabbed me by an arm each so i couldn't move. It was also at that moment when i realised my mother had gone and left me in this place.
The two men pulled me down the corridor which were full of rooms. I kicked and screamed trying to get them to let go, but they didn't. I had tears streaming down my face and i could feel myself becoming weak from using all my energy to try and get away. Eventually we got to a door, which had my name on it and was already opened. The men pushed me inside and left, leaving me with the old woman. In the room was a window with and an empty shelf next to it, also there was a bed with plain white sheets and a pillow. On top of the bed was an outfit, which consisted of a light blue dress, a red cardigan and white socks. On top of that was a pair of white shoes. I looked at the room and looked back at the woman in disbelief. I couldn't believe where i was.
"You have 30 seconds to get changed." the woman said before slamming the heavy, steel door. I quickly got changed because i didn't know what would happen if i didn't and i also didn't want her walking in on me half way through.
When she came back in again, she was holding a large needle. This caused a wave of panic to attack my body and i had to sit on the bed before i fainted. I noticed i was sweating and i felt like i couldn't breath. The woman laughed at me.
"So restless..." she chuckled to herself. "Don't worry, young one. We will sort you out and get you back to normal in no time."
"What do you mean get me back to normal? What have i done?" I asked her through heavy breaths.
"Your mother told us that you were acting strange and not like a normal teenage girl. She mentioned a girl called Toni." the woman shook her head at me. "Poor girl."
I immediately knew that my mother was earlier referring to a gay conversion. She must have noticed something going on between Toni and I. I felt my body being attacked my another wave of panic.
"Calm down and let me inject you with this. It should help." The woman said as she came closer to me with her needle. I felt a sharp prick in the side of my neck and i instantly felt dizzy and tired. Before i knew it, i was lying on my back as i slowly lost consciousness. I blinked for the last time before it all went black.

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