3: The First Kiss.

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Toni's POV: At Pop's.

"Here are your milkshakes ladies." The waiter says, placing them down on the table. "Two chocolate, one vanilla and one strawberry."
"Thank you" Betty says as she takes her milkshake. We all sip our shakes and get into a gossipy conversation. I wish i could concentrate but Cheryl's look keeps me distracted. She is wearing a red dress with a black collar and she looks amazing.
"T? You okay?" Cheryl asks as she squeezes my leg. She must of realised i was zoned out.
"I'm fine." i say as i look into her deep brown eyes and smile.
Veronica checks her phone. "We hate to leave so soon," she says finishing off her milkshake, "but Betty and I have to go and meet Archie and Jughead. We're seeing a movie." Veronica and Betty begin to get up.
"Oo double date! Have fun." Cheryl says.
Betty and Veronica smile at us and make their way done the isle of booths and out of the door.
Cheryl waits for the girls to be out of sight before turning to me.
"And then there were two." she says.
"Yup." i say looking down. I have major butterflies.
"Are you okay Toni? You've been acting so strange tonight." Cheryl places her hand on my shoulder.
"I'm fine, its just my feelings are a mess at the moment."
"What feelings?" she seems intrigued.
"Oh Cheryl, i wish i could tell you..."
"You can, Toni! I know we are newly friends but i feel like i can trust you with anything and you should feel the same towards me..." she expressed.
"I know that and i do trust you. It's just..." i trailed off. "It's stupid." I felt myself getting angry.
Cheryl moved her arm from my shoulder and put it around me and pulled my into her chest.
"Breathe, Cha-Cha." she said, softly rubbing my arm. "Tell me."
I sigh. "I like this girl..." I started to explain. "And i'm not sure if she likes me back. And i can't tell her i like her and..." i stopped myself, i felt myself getting worked up. I also realise that i just came out to Cheryl.
"Toni, the best way to handle this is to tell the lucky girl that you like her." Cheryl advised.
"You don't understand, i can't. I'm not good enough." I sighed.
"I-" Cheryl started to speak but i cut her off. "And don't even try to tell me you understand!" i say angrily. "Because you don't! Look at yourself Cheryl! You're perfect, you could get anyone you wanted!"
I sat up from her grip and put my head in my hands and cried silently. Cheryl stayed quiet for a few seconds. I felt her rub my shoulder. "Toni..." her voice was so soft and precious. I looked up at her with tears streaming down my face. She stared into my eyes for what seemed like hours and i could feel my heart beating. She put both her hands either side of my face and pulled me in for a kiss. Just one. We held it for a few seconds before pulling apart. All i could do was look at her.
"I'm, I'm sorry Toni." She says nervously. "Maybe i should go..."
I cut her off again. "No Cheryl, that was perfect."
She smiled at me. "Am i?" she started to ask me a question before i finished it off for her.
"The girl i liked? Yes. And i've liked you ever since i took my first look at you, Cheryl Blossom."
She smiled and looked down, blushing. I moved closer and rested myself on her chest as i was half sitting up. She held me there and i could feel her soft beating heart.
This is my idea of heaven.

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