7: A Failed Apology.

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Toni's POV: Toni's trailer.

I must have drifted off to sleep on my couch because i am woken up to my phone buzzing like crazy and i assume it's Cheryl so i check it.

11:58 pm
17 missed calls.
c: i'm sorry Toni.
c: talk to me please let explain.
c: it wasn't what you think.
c: call me baby.
c: please call me back.
c: stop ignoring me i'm sorry.
c: it was reggie's fault i didn't even want to.

A tear drops onto the screen and i throw my phone across the room and i hear it hit a wall but i didn't care. I make my way to my room and fall back to sleep immediately.

Toni's POV: at school.

When i get to school i try my hardest to stay out of Cheryl's sight. I avoid the lounge, i avoid my locker and i avoid the changing rooms and gym. I look pretty rough as i am still wearing last nights makeup. I woke up this morning with no intentions of making myself look presentable.
"Hey Toni." i panic but i soon realise it was Jughead's voice. I turn around, he is with Betty.
"You look rough." he gasps.
Betty slaps him on the arm. "Don't be mean." she hisses.
"Wow thanks Jug, really." i say and i turn around to walk off.
"Wait." Jughead calls. "What's up? Where's Cheryl?"
"Nothing." i say. "And i don't know where she is, nor do i care"
Jughead stays silent.
"You and Cheryl seemed pretty close last night, i thought you were friends. What happened?" Betty asks as she puts her hand on my shoulder. "You can tell us Toni." she finishes.
"Thank you Betty, but i really can't." i reply.
Jughead and Betty look at each other, confused.
I could feel my eyes filling with tears.
"Look, i really gotta go." i say as i brush past the couple. I hurry into the toilets incase i break down into tears in front of everyone in the corridor.
As soon as i push open the bathroom door, i burst into sobs. I keep walking into one of the cubicles and lock the door behind me. I sit on top of the toilet seat and sniffle as i use toilet paper to wipe my eyes.
I hear a cubicle door creak open and the sound of heels walking out of it.
"Toni?" i hear. I immediately recognised the voice. It was Cheryl, so i stay as silent as i could.
"Toni if it's you, i want you to know i'm sorry and that i really wish you'd talk to me..." she says. Her voice shakes and it sounded like she had been crying.
I remain silent.
Cheryl sighs. "I know it's you T, i can see your boots from under the door. Now don't let me open it with one of my bobby pins because you know i will."
I realise that there's not point in hiding anymore as my cover has already been blown. So i open the door in an attempt to walk past her and into the busy corridor.
I swing open the door and Cheryl is stood right there, with mascara streaming down her face.
Before she has chance to speak, i speak first. "Look Cheryl, i can't be bothered to listen to your excuses or apologies. I know what i saw and i'm not going to played with like that." i say before shoving past her.
She grabs my arm. "Toni, hear me out..." she says. "And if you don't want to talk to me afterwards, then fine."
I turn around to face her. "No Cheryl i'm not going to hear you out." i say, copying her words. "I'm going to go and you're never going to speak to me again." A single tear rolls down my face as i pull my arm out from her grip and walk into the corridor.
Veronica is stood waiting outside. As soon as she see's me she signs in relief.
"Toni, there you are. Where did you go last night? I spoke to Cheryl and she said she was going after you." she says before noticing something is wrong with me. "Oh my, what's wrong Toni?"
I shake my head at her. "Nothing i'm fine."' i say, wiping the single tear from my cheek.
Veronica grabs my hand. "Toni, i know you're not okay and i'm not going to let you go until you tell me why."
I sigh. "Did you see Cheryl and Reggie kissing at your party last night?" i ask.
"Yes i did and what's wrong with tha-" she's says and then remembers what Cheryl and I told her about us and how we're together. She opens her mouth in disbelief. I nod at her with an 'exactly' look on my face.
"I'm sorry." Veronica says, pulling me in for a hug. Just at that time, a cleaned-up Cheryl walks out from the toilets and spots us. I make eye contact with her for a split second before she turns round and walks the opposite way.
"You need cheering up." Veronica starts. "And lucky for you, that is a Veronica Lodge specialty."
I smile at her and she takes me by the hand and guides me to the lunch benches outside where Betty, Jug and Archie are sat.
"Hey guys" Veronica says, sitting on the bench next to Archie. I sit opposite her next to Jughead and Betty. I am definitely fifth wheeling here...
"Toni needs cheering up. Don't ask why, just do it." Veronica announces.
"I know what i can do." Archie says. "I'll play you one of my songs."
"No. No you won't. No offence Archie but your songs make me want to slit my wrists." Jughead says blatantly.
"Ok then," Archie says. "What have you got?"
"My jokes." Jughead replies. He turns to me. "Do you want to hear one of my marvellous jokes?" he asks.
I nod and smile.
"Perfect." he says.
Jughead cracks a few jokes and i laugh at him, not because they're funny but because of how not funny they were.

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