12: Rescued.

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Toni's POV: Outside The Sisters Of Quiet Mercy.

There we were. All four of us stood in a huddle behind a tree, staring up at at the tall building.
"How do we get in?" Veronica asks.
I think for a little bit,
"Maybe there's a window that could be unlocked?" i say out loud.
"Let's give it a try." Veronica says.
"Betty, if you see anything that could be a problem, ring us." I say to Betty. She nods her head. Her and Kevin are staying outside whilst Veronica and i go in.
"And Kevin, if we're not back in 15 minutes then call your dad." Veronica says.
He nods.
"Let's go then." I say to Veronica, giving her a reassuring look.
"Good luck." Betty says.
We both creep through the talk grass that surrounded the building until we got to a wall. We ducked under the windows, just incase anyone was to walk by. We shon our torches around.
"Ok," Veronica says. "Try the windows."
We both creep in opposite directions, pushing against the glass panes to see if any of them would open.
"Pst, Toni!" Veronica loudly whispers, after a few minutes of trying.
I creep over to her. She had found a window that was open.
"That's our way in." i say.
She nodded and opened it a tiny bit more. Veronica poked her head in and looked side to side, down the long corridors.
"It seems empty." she says.
"Perfect. Do you need a leg up?" i asked.
"I should be fine." Veronica replies as she lifts herself up to be level with the window and kicks one leg over, staying silent. When she is in, i do the same.
We run down the corridor, searching each room together before i turn to her.
"Let's split up." i say. "We will cover twice the ground."
"Okay and then what?" Veronica asks.
"We search each and every damn room until we find her."
Veronica agrees before turning around to creep off down the corridor and run off the other way.
As i am searching, i notice that each of the doors have names on them so i knew that i had to look for one that said "C. Blossom."
I ran up and down tens of corridors for what seemed like hours, this place was huge. I was getting out of breath and i felt defeated but i couldn't give up. At that moment, i turned to my right to find a door that said "C. Blossom."
"Oh my gosh." i say to myself. I look through the small window at the top of the door to see Cheryl sat on the bed against the window. She was crying silently, which made me tear up.
I bang on the door with my fist. "Cheryl! Cheryl!" i screamed through the small window. She looked up with a shocked look on her face.
"Toni?" she said as she stood up and came to the door.
"We came to rescue you." i told her.
"You did? Well open the door." she said.
I tried to use the handle but it was locked. "It's locked." i sighed.
"Do you have a bobby pin on you?" she asks.
I check my hair and pull out a bobby pin. "Yeah i've got one." i told her.
"Use that!" she exclaims.
I put the bobby pin into the lock and fiddled around with it.
Cheryl was banging on the door. "Hurry up!"
"Can't you see i'm trying?!" i scream back.
Finally, the door swung open and Cheryl ran out into my arms. It felt so good to hold her again. I missed the smell of her hair, even though it smelt pretty bad at this moment.
She pulled away from the hug and looked at me before pulling me in for a kiss.
Just then, i heard heels running down the corridor towards us.
"Toni! Cheryl!" Veronica called.
We pulled away from the kiss and looked at her.
"We need to go, they're after us!" she said.
Cheryl and I looked at each other in fear and Cheryl grabbed my hand before pulling me off down the corridor. All 3 of us ran towards the window where we entered. There were sirens and flashing red lights that took over the whole building.
I could hear loud footsteps coming from behind so i turned my head round. I saw a swarm of nuns with torches chasing after us.
"Quicker!" i shouted when i saw our escape in the distance.
When we got to the open window, Veronica and I helped Cheryl out and then helped ourselves out. Before we ran off, i turned around and slammed the window shut. Cheryl grabbed my hand again and we ran off behind Veronica.
"Come on!" Kevin shouted from the tree where him and Betty were stood.
As we got closer, Betty held out her hand and Veronica grabbed onto it.
"Oh Cheryl!" Veronica exclaims.
Cheryl turns her head to look at Veronica.
"I found your phone on the counter, i knew it was yours from the cherry phone case." she says, pulling it out her back pocket.
"Oh thank you, Veronica." Cheryl says, taking her phone back.
And with that, all five of us run off into the woods.

Toni's POV: At Toni's trailer.

Cheryl didn't stop thanking the whole trip back. As soon as i opened the door to my trailer, Cheryl got to the couch laid down. I went into my kitchen to pour us both a glass of water and maybe to make Cheryl something to eat since she had probably hadn't eaten anything good for days. I poured our drinks as i told Cheryl about how we planned to come and get her. When she didn't reply, i turned around to look if she was asleep, and she was.
I didn't blame her, she mustn't have got a minute of sleep in there knowing that she is living in a nightmare.
I decided it would probably be a good idea if i moved her to my bed and changed her out of her 'Sisters Of Quiet Mercy' uniform so she would be comfier. I made my way over and picked up her sleeping body up in the same way that you would hold a baby. I carried her into my room and laid her gently down on top of the bed sheets. Fumbling, through my drawers, i found an over sized t-shirt that i didn't wear anymore and thought it would be okay for her to sleep in, for now anyway. I carefully took off her cardigan and lifted up her head to take off her dress. I also took off her shoes and socks. Without waking her up, i pulled the t-shirt over Cheryl's body and pulled out the covers from underneath her. I tucked her in my bed and made sure she was comfy before i got myself changed.
I climbed into bed next to her and drifted off to the sound of her steady breath.

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