Chapter 6

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The music was still blasting in the speakers when he reached out for his third drink on the night that was still young, holding hundreds of possibilities. Hoseok looked away from the crazy dancing crowd at the woman who was giving him company.

Her vision was fixed on the dance floor, a drink in her hand, while the other played with her hair that was in waves, draped over her shoulder. Hoseok couldn't help but notice, among all the women who were here, how simple yet alluring she looked. She was fitted in a slightly shimmering black dress that was hugging all the curves of her body till her mid-thigh. Even with a turtleneck and sleeves that extended will her wrists, making her too covered for a cocktail party, she looked stunning, making it harder and harder for Hoseok to look away from her. She wasn't drinking much though, not even attempting to mingle, and from his experience seeing different types of women in clubs all these years, Hoseok knew she was the kind who had to be physically dragged out of the house to party. He wondered what she liked. Books? Maybe drawings? She was doing some sketches when Hoseok had met her last night. Or maybe she liked adventure. Whatever it was Hoseok wanted to know and it surprised him as well.

Because he wasn't the type of people who bothered about the interests of others. If they were his friends then yes, he knew about them but most women weren't exactly Hoseok's 'friends'. They were more like acquaintances who he happened to interact with from time to time and for that, the kind of things he needed to know about them were different. Knowing their personal hobbies and personal interests and details about their private life was absolutely out of question. Why did it have to be any different for her?

Hoseok put his glass down determined and cleared his throat, finally grabbing her attention but he felt no words able to leave his throat as she turned towards him. He found himself once more, for the umpteenth time today, taking in her features all over again. She was a slight shade of pink, the alcohol now getting to her. Her fingers were circling the rim of her empty glass, her eyebrows arched as though asking why he wasn't saying anything. How was he supposed to say something when the only thing he could think of was running his hands all over her.

He cleared his throat and his head again, "Let's dance."

He gestured at the crowd which was dancing, bodies against bodies shamelessly taking advantage of the dimness and the alcohol. She looked at the dance floor once and then back at him, opening her mouth to answer but Hoseok never found out what she wanted to say for as usual Jeon Jungkook appeared in between them, out of nowhere.

"Hoseok! I'm gonna steal Y/N for a bit if you don't mind. Kate is looking for her."

Hoseok pursed his lips nodding, mentally kicking Jeon Jungkook in the ass. Y/n shot him an apologetic look and Jungkook led her away from him, his hand resting against the thin material of her back, most of which was uncovered, revealing her sharp shoulder blades and the slender curve of her back. Hoseok instantly felt jealousy rise at the back of his throat at how easily Jungkook was able to be so comfortable with her like that and he groaned looking away. Oh the kind of things he was willing to do just to be next to her like that.

"Y/n there you are!" Kate let out a breath of relief grabbing you. "My makeup is fading and I'm totally out of mascara. Lend me some will you?"

You looked at her incredulously. "Kate, You know I don't carry makeup around with me. If you can see, I have nothing but my phone on me."

"I know you idiot, you at least have it in your room right? Help me please?" She made her puppy eyes at you with her trademark dimpled smile.

Holding your hand out at Jungkook in whose pocket your room card safely rested, you agreed and took Kate's hand in yours, ready to go up.

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