Chapter 13

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It was nearly evening when they all returned.

All the five boys had accompanied Hoseok to the police station to complete the formalities despite him insisting that they needn't. Even Emma and Mia followed, not listening to a word he had to say. Only Y/n didn't. Rather, the look on Jungkook's face didn't allow her to. Hoseok was rather grateful to Jungkook for that. He didn't need her to see him at his worst, at his weakest.

Yoongi put his arm around Hoseok's shoulder when they stood inside lift. "I'll follow him to his room. We pals have six years to catch up. You guys go ahead." A light shiver went coursing through Hoseok's body at the sound of that. But he trusted Yoongi enough not to bring up the past after all the traumatizing things that happened today. He trusted that Yoongi was just doing this to make sure everyone left him alone.

Everyone nodded, patting Hoseok's back muttering 'It's okay' and 'everything's fine now.' and 'don't think about it too much.', as they left whenever the life stopped on their floor. Mia latched onto Hoseok with a hug for so long that Jin had to pull her back slowly when they had to get out. At the last floor finally, Hoseok and Yoongi got off, only Namjoon and Emma following but they didn't turn and walk away towards their room like Hoseok was hoping. Instead Emma turned to him.

"You should have talked to mom and dad once before putting your name in police records Hobi. You forget its not your name you are maligning your name in all this but the family's-"

"Emma give him a break." Namjoon held her wrist softly stopping her. "He's just been through-"

"But you don't understand Joonie." Emma argued looking fierce. "For six years he refused to come home, he didn't let us know where he was, he made my parents go mad looking for. Mom pined for you day and night for six years Hobi. You didn't care one bit about any of us. But one fine morning you turn up and when you fall in trouble you think its okay to ruin the reputation we have been upholding so carefully in the society for so long?"

Her words cut his heart straight in half. He never thought about that. He never ever meant to hurt anyone like that. He only ever meant to hurt himself.Namjoon literally walked up before Emma looking at the hurt all over Hoseok's face. "Enough Em, let's-"

"She's not wrong Joon." Hoseok shook his head. "But you're not right either Emma. There is no harm to your family name in all this. I walked away-"

"Its still our family name despite the fact that you refused to be in the inheritance. Whether or not you disowned us is irrelevant. The world shall always see you as a Jung."

"Is six years not enough to change that Emma?"

"No, its not Hobi. A whole lifetime isn't enough to change that. Because no matter how fast and how far you run you cannot run away from who you are....Or what you've done."

"Namjoon." Yoongi stepped up in front of Hoseok shielding him, causing Emma to disappear from his sight. "Take her away. Bring her back when she wants to talk to her brother as a sister and not as a business woman who can't see her brother's misery before her so called family reputation."

Emma softened at his words instantly. Hoseok could hear the defeat in his sister. "I'm trying all possible ways to get to his head Yoongi, I don't care if I do it as a sister or a businesswoman or a third party. I just want him for once to understand that he has a family he should think about. Even if he is ruining our reputation or whatever, I want him to acknowledge the name as his, I want him to talk to our parents once." She pushed Yoongi aside, grabbing Hoseok by the shoulders gently, forcing him to look at her. "Mom and dad are coming Hoseok. In a few days they'll be here. Mom could bear you staying away from home and not talking to us and everything you've done so far. But if you stand before her and behave like she's a stranger, it will break her on the inside. She will shatter Hobi and she's my mother too, and I just want to ask you not to let that happen."

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