Part 03

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Phil smiles. "Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there."  

After Phil and I had breakfast, I got dressed. Phil is sat down next to me and he's already in his clothes. He is wearing a white shirt with a cat on the front, black jeans, American flag converses and a blue hooded jacket. His hair is slightly messy from the running around my house and having a cup thrown at him but I think it makes him look cuter.

I was wearing white torn jeans, white converses and a yellow hoodie which had doodles of white planets and stars scattered about on it. My long, curly blonde hair hung loosely over my shoulders and my sleeves were pulled up to my knuckles, almost covering my fingers.

As I walk into the living room, Phil turns to face me (he was sat on the couch and looking about my room curiously). He smiles as he looks me up and down.

"Hey look, we're boh wearing converses!" Phil says cheerfully. "We should make a club!"

I walk over to the other couch and smile at Phil as I sit down. "Yeah, a club with only two members? Sounds great!" I laughed, though I don't really feel like laughing. All of this angel and demon stuff still hasn't settled into my mind yet and I'm confused.

My laugh must've been an awkward one because Phil noticed I wasn't exactly jumping over the moon.

"You'll adjust sooner or later. I'll be here to answer and questions and I'll be here to comfort you. I won't let you get hurt by him and I won't let all of this confusion and these overwhelming feelings break you. I promise." Phil says comfortingly.

I give him a weak smile. "That's good to know."

Just then, my phone pings and vibrates in my pocket. I unlock my phone and see a message from Darby;

Darby: Hey, did u get home alright? You didn't message me xx

Samantha: Yeah I ran into someone that's all. I think I'm gonna come round, u at the diner? X

Darby: Aren't I always?

I look up at Phil who's patiently waiting for me to finish my conversation. "Anyone interesting?" He asks as he glances down at the phone.

"My friend, do you want to go to her diner? I'm sure she'd love to meet you." I suggest.

"Of course. I'd love to meet her." Phil smiles.


When we arrive, the diner is once again empty. Phil wisely doesn't point this out and just follows me in.

"Hey honey! Who's this?" Darby happily greets. She's behind the counter, reading some sort of magazine.

"Oh this is my, Um, my friend, Phil." I introduce. "Phil this is my best friend, Darby."

"You look just like Marilyn Monroe!" Phil remarks.

Darby smiles and I feel a twang of jealousy. I know he's not flirting, she really does have a lot of similarities to Miss Monroe, it's uncanny.

"So I've been told." Darby responds with a smirk. "Nice to meet you, Phil."

Darby winks at Phil and he smiles back at her.

There's that jealousy again. Darby is a very flirty, flamboyant person, I shouldn't take her actions towards Phil seriously. But even if I did, I shouldn't care; Phil's my angel, not my boyfriend.

"Now what can I do for you two?" Darby asks as she puts the magazine down.

"Well we just had breakfast so... just a coffee for me." I say.

"Do you have pancakes?" Phil asks excitedly.

"I have everything you need and more, sugar." Darby says with a cheeky wink. "Is that all?"

"I'll have a coffee too please." Phil says, he's blushing nervously. He obviously isn't used to all this flirting.

You better get used to it.

I think to myself.

With a face and body like yours and with Darby's flirty attitude, you're gonna get a lot of it.

"So that's two coffees and a plate o' pancakes. On the house." Darby smiles.

"Thank you Darby." Phil smiles.

"No problem cute stuff."

Phil and I walk over to a table and I feel jealousy bubble inside me, but I try not to show it. Darby walks off to the back to make Phil's pancakes. She reduced her staff drastically since she very rarely had a customer. She was basically paying people to come to work and do nothing so now she works by herself on weekdays and has two other employees come in on weekends. Of course there's the cleaners that come in at night and some other various things but that's about it.

"Is Darby always that..." Phil starts.

"Flirty? Yeah, she is." I laugh.

"So she doesn't actually... like like me?" Phil asks.

I shrug. "You want me to ask her out for you? She's a nice woman. Very beautiful. Very strong." I feel my stomach bubble just asking that first sentence but I smile anyway.

"No thanks." Phil laughs. "She is attractive but I don't think she's my type."

"What makes you say that?" I ask curiously, wondering if I could be his type. I mentally slap myself at the thought.

"I guess it's just how... outward she is. I guess I like girls who are a bit more... inward?" Phil shrugs.

"Inward?" I ask, trying not to laugh.

Phil shrugs again.

"Here you go sweet cheeks." Darby says as she puts the plate of pancakes on the table and places the two coffees in front of us. "Enjoy." She says as she bumps the table with her hip as she walks off.

I look at the pancakes and feel my mouth water. I instantly regret not ordering any for myself.

Phil sees me eyeballing his plate and he looks at me. "Do you want to share?" He asks.

"Yes please. I should've ordered some for myself." I laugh. Phil doesn't seem to mind. "I'll just go grab another fork." I say and stand up.

I walk over to the till where Darby is and ask her for another fork to which she grabs one but doesn't hand it over.

"Who is he?" She asks as she looks over at the table where Phil is sat.

"He's my friend." I answer.

"That's bullsh*t Sam. I've known you for twelve years and haven't seen him once in my life." Darby says as she puts a hand on her hip.

"Let's just say... it's a long story."

"Is he your new boyfriend? It's about time you get one." Darby raises an eyebrow as she asks this.

"What? No!" I say nervously.

"Do you like him?"

"No!...No. No I don't." I blush. "What-what about you? You seemed to be flaunting yourself quite a bit."

"Oh, honey. Not my type. I need me more of a man. I need someone like..."

"Dwayne Johnson?" I ask.

"Exactly." Darby says with yet another wink and hands over the fork.

I take it from her, say thanks and walk back over to the table. Phil hasn't started eating the pancakes yet.

"I didn't know if you like syrup or not so I waited." Phil blushes.

"Thank you Phil." I giggle as I sit down. "And I do like syrup."

My Guardian, Phil // P.LWhere stories live. Discover now