Part 21

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"I think it's time..." He says breathlessly. "It's time to kill the demon..."

Phil told me about the Seraph a while ago. Though all he said was that he had a friend working on one and that it was a knife of some sorts that could kill demons- or at least send them back to hell. 

"How are we gonna get the knife?" I ask.

Phil takes a deep breath. He seems to be very nervous about the whole ordeal. "I can communicate with other angels... I'll get my friend working on the seraph to bring it."

This takes me by surprise. If he can communicate with other angels, why didn't he do it? or at least tell me he could? What else can he do that I don't know about? "Oh..." I say, not knowing what else to say.

"I'll tell him now and then he'll be here any minute," Phil tells me.

I nod and Phil walks over to the couch and sits down. He makes his wings visible and closes his eyes. He breathes deeply for a minute before beginning to whisper something. For some reason, this feels like some sort of private activity and I look away on instinct to give Phil some privacy.

Phil stands up and opens his eyes. "Chris is on his way," Phil tells me.


"My friend. He forges weapons. He's been working on the Seraph for months now." Phil says.

"How long will it take him?" I ask.

Then, there's a knock on the door. Phil waves his brows at me and shrugs as he goes to answer the door.

"That can't be him already?" I say quietly to myself as I follow Phil to the door.

When Phil opens it, I see a man about Phil's age but slightly shorter. He has a head of light to mid brown hair with a fringe that's swept to the side. His eyes are green and he's wearing a red shirt, black jeans and a green hooded jacket. In his hands is a white case which looks almost like a briefcase but smaller.

"Hello, Phil." The man says with a nervous smile.

"Long time no see Chris." Phil smiles as he opens the door for him to walk in. Chris steps into my home and takes a deep breath as he looks around.

When he meets eyes with me he stops. "You must be Samantha." He says. "Phil, you never told me she was this beautiful."

I blush and Phil seems to do the same.

"I'm just messing about, you're not that pretty." Chris laughs. "Joking. Obviously."

"In here," Phil says, smiling as he walks into the kitchen. Chris and I follow him and then Chris puts the case on the breakfast bar.

"When are you gonna... do it?" Chris asks as he pushes the two buttons on the case.

"As soon as possible," Phil says with a deep breath.

"Next week?" Chris asks. "A bit too early don't you think? You need to... emotionally prepare and stuff."

"No... not next week." Phil scratches his arm nervously.

"Oh good because you don't wanna do it too early-"

"We're doing it tonight," Phil tells the other angel.

There's a thick silence between us. Chris is lost for words. I feel a wave of dread creep up on me like an assassin and my throat goes dry with nerves.

"I see," Chris says. "Well then I suppose we're gonna get you home sooner than expected," Chris says optimistically with a smile as he opens up the case.

My Guardian, Phil // P.LWhere stories live. Discover now