Part 04

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"Thank you Phil." I giggle as I sit down. "And I do like syrup."

We finished the plate of pancakes pretty quickly and gave Darby a tip (since she let us have the food and drinks for free, I had to give her something right?).

As we make our way back home, it is midday so the sun is high in the sky but shielded by the autumn clouds. The air is cool but when there is a crack in the clouds, I can feel the warmth trickle down my back like a warm shower.

I stare at the park as we walk. I love how the winding paths weave in between the tall, orange leaved trees. I love how the grass is lush and emerald green which created a stark contrast with the golden leaves scattered about. There is a family of three playing on the field, kicking leaves up into the air and laughing, all wrapped up warm in wooly hats and scarves.

Phil catches sight of me looking wistfully at the park and stops. "You like the park?" He asked.

I nod. "Especially in the autumn."

Unexpectedly, Phil takes my hand and pulls me across the road. I gasp and struggle to keep up as he runs towards the trees, all the while having a good grip on my hand.

We get to the park and step onto the path. I gaze forward, looking at the trees and the midday light seep trough the leaves as they arch over the footpath.

Phil takes in a deep breath. "Look, a squirrel!" He cries as he points at the base of one of the trees where a little, grey, fuzzy creature sits there itching it's tiny pink nose. Phil runs forward and tries to chase the little critter as it scampers up the trunk and disappears.

"Phil you scared it!" I cry as I walk after him. Phil is such a kid and I find myself smiling at his childish behaviour. The squirrel has long gone now since I can't see it as I squint and look at the treetops.

"I wanted to touch it's tail." Phil says, fake pouting and folding his arms.

"Well they do look pretty fluffy."

Phil and I stand side by side, looking up at the tree and searching for the squirrel.

I see a movement and gasp. "There!" I point towards the place where I saw the movement in the leaves.

Phil jumps and holds out his hands as if he's trying to catch it. "Why won't you love me?" He fake cries.

I giggle. "Come on Phil, plenty more squirrels in the park."

We begin to make our way down the long winding path and breathe in the smell of damp grass and sunlight as the woods at the end of the path slowly become closer.

I've never been in those woods but I can imagine all the creatures and colourful leaves and sounds there are living peacefully in those woods.

"Do you come here a lot?" Phil asks as he stuffs his hands into his hoodie pocket for warmth. I can tell he wishes he brought a coat. I wonder what he's going to do about clothing. He's going to stay with me right? Where is he going to get his clothes from? Where is he going to sleep?

"No not really." I sigh in response. "I don't go out much. I don't have a job- I usually just ask my parents for money when I'm in desperate need. The only time I ever really go out is when I go and see Darby."

"It's an amazing diner." Phil remarks. "I don't understand why it was so empty."

"It's like that pretty much everyday. It's a shame since the food is so good and having a diner has been Darby's dream since we were kids."

This was true. Darby worked harder than I've ever known anyone to work and at first all the hard work paid off. But now it's like it's gone to nothing.

"What was your dream?" Phil asks as he stops and sits down on a little black bench.

I perch next to him, flinching slightly at the cold touch of the metal and sigh. "I wanted to have a family."

I can feel Phil sink down slightly as he rests his back on the back of the bench. "I want one too..."

"Can you have kids?" I ask curiously.

He's another being. I was only curious to find out how they reproduce. Do they have sex like we do? Do they get aroused? I remember Phil telling me about 'extreme emotions' and he used 'lust' as an example. Maybe he meant 'in the mood for some sweet sweet lovin'?

Phil shakes his head sadly. "No I can't. I wish I could. More than most things." Phil explains. "But I can't. So I'm just gonna have to live with it."

I slide my fingers into the gaps between his and look into his eyes comfortingly.

"I can't either." I admit. "Medical condition."

Not many people know this about me apart from my immediate family and Darby. Of course it's horrible to want a family of your own for your entire life only to then find out that you can't have one. Obviously this makes sexy stuff easier since... you know... precautions aren't completely neccassary but it's really not worth it.

Imagine wanting to be a pianist your entire life only to have both your hands cut off. That's what it feels like sometimes.

Phil squeezes my hand tightly. "I guess all we can do is get through."

"Yeah I guess.." I look away and blink to stop the tears. "Can we go home now?"

Phil stands up, still holding my hand and I stand up too. I don't want him to let go and assume he doesn't either as when we walk, we keep our fingers intertwined.

I look up at Phil as we walk and he looks down into my eyes. "I'll race you." I say with a slight smirk, lightening the mood.

"And I'll win." Phil chuckles with confidence.

I scowl at him and then sprint away, not looking back. I hear Phil gasp and then chase me instantly, cutting my head start short.

He is close behind. I can hear his footsteps as they pat on the concrete path beneath him and his breathing is heavy and irregular already with exhaustion.

We make it out of the park and the road is dead ahead. Without even thinking to stop and look, I run out carelessly into the wide road.

I stop suddenly in the centre when I hear a loud horn. I turn my head just in time to see a truck- and then I'm knocked down.


Again, don't quote me on this (or anything I say about schedules) but I'm gonna try update everyday. This goes for all my stories I'm in the process of writing. Wish me luck fam.

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