Part 17

62 7 9

Scenes which involve close encounters of sexual assault. Reader discretion is advised.


"Yep. Come on let's go!" Darby says excitedly as she grabs my hand and leads us out of the house. This night is gonna be interesting.

As we roll up outside the club, we can already hear the loud music coming from inside.

We all get out of the car and look up at the building which has a scary, muscular bouncer standing outside with his arms folded. The building is a simple brick building with a huge neon purple sign on it that says "The Vortex". We can see lights and lasers faintly through the tinted, almost blacked out windows and I wonder what the point of even having windows is if you're just gonna black them out.

"This is where the magic happens my friends," Max says as he winks at me and begins to strut with confidence up to the club. He shows the bouncer his ID and the bouncer nods as he lets him in. We all do the same and then follow Max into the building.

We are instantly greeted by the stench of alcohol and the loud, ear-pounding sound of club music. Lights flash about in the dark room and green and blue lasers dance around the walls as people are packed into the building, jumping about and cheering. These are all club rats. It's not even 8:15 and they're already smashed out of their heads.

"Let's get WASTED! First three rounds on me!" Max yells as he leads us all over to the bar.

We all take a seat in front of the bar and Max orders three rounds of tequila shots for us all. I'm not used to drinking shots. I don't remember the last time I even thought about having them.

We all clink the shot glasses together and down them quickly. The taste burns my mouth and throat and it takes every muscle within me to not go into a fit. I rrmember my first yime drinking and my face scrunches up and I see everyone else pick up the second so I do the same. We do another shot and the taste once again burns my throat. We do this one more time and I shiver.

"That was horrible!" I yell above the music.

"But it was fun right?" Max laughs, his speech is already slightly slurred.

"No!" Phil answers for me. I look over at him and see his face is disgusted too. He, like me, was obviously not a heavy drinker. Do they even drink in heaven? Has he ever had a drink in his life?

"Lightweights." Darby laughs. "Come on let's all dance!"

Darby grabs mine and Phil's hand and pulls us to our feet. Max follows and we are all stood on the dance floor,  surrounded by dancing, drunk clubbers.

"F*ck it!" I say and I start bouncing along to the music with Darby and Max. Phil then joins in and we're all dancing.

I can feel the shots getting to my head already and I let go of all my worries of the world around me. I can't believe it but I'm actually having fun.

"Another round of shots?" Max asks drunkenly.

"No!" Phil and I both answer in unison.

"I'll get us all a drink." Darby offers. "To thank y'all for bringing me out." She pats me on the shoulder and then stumbles towards the bar.

Phil, Max and I continue dancing and cheering happily, not a care in the world. My vision is slightly skewed from the alcohol but I'm still having a good time. I look over to the bar and see Darby having a flirty conversation with the big hunk of muscle working the bar.

My Guardian, Phil // P.LDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora