Part 20

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If you skipped the last part because of the makeout scene then this is what happened:
-Max tells Darby he saw Phil's wings
-Phil and Samantha tell Darby what Max did
-Darby goes out to get milk
-Phil and Samantha start making put but Darby comes back and sees Phil's wings


She drops the bags, and the bottles smash.

Darby, like most people would be, was astonished. Terrified.

In fact, she packed her things almost immediately and left to stay with Max, despite her knowing what he did to me. Guess she'd rather stay with a rapist than a 'monster'.

I tried to get her to stay. I tried to explain that Phil's not a monster and that he's actually heaven sent. But she wouldn't listen. It's so strange how someone who you've known for years will completely disregard you if they're put in a situation they don't understand.

Phil's wings are invisible now and it is eerily silent as we stand there alone.

None of us know what to say. None of us know how to respond to the situation. Phil takes a deep breath and takes it upon himself to break the heavy silence.

"I'm so sorry." He says, as if it's his fault.

"It's not your fault Phil..." I say sadly. None of us knew that Darby would return so quickly.

I stand up and slump onto the couch, weighted with emotion. I tell myself that I won't cry. This will all be over soon. Darby will come to her senses and realise that she completely overreacted.

But did she though?

Phil's a freaking angel. He's not even human. He may look it but he's far different from anyone on this earth.

Maybe she was smart in running away?

"Is it okay if I get in the shower?" Phil asks. I nod, not even looking at him.

As he leaves the room, I lay on my side and curl up into a ball, staring into nothingness. My mind goes blank.

I hear the boiler burst into life as Phil turns on the shower and I shiver as I remember seeing Dan's face in the boiler room. Recently, it was early to forget that Phil was an angel. It was easy to forget that I had a demon after me.

And why did I have this demon? Because my dad made a deal with him. But did he? My dad's skeptical. He doesn't believe things like that. I've never been told that my parents have been in a car crash ever. My dad certainly kept quiet about this, as did my mother. Does she know? Does my dad know I'm battling with this demon right now?

I stare more into the distance and my ears are filled with white noise. A long, monotone beep. It splits my ears and I sit up suddenly. I cover my ears with my hands but it doesn't do anything. I can still hear this long, droning noise. It pierces my brain.

I close my eyes tight, covering my ears, too confused to do anything.

Then I feel someone grab a fistful of my hair forcefully and the noise stops all at once as a terrifying voice growls "OPEN YOUR EYES."

I open my eyes and look up. What greets me almost makes me vomit.

Dan stands there with an enraged look on his face. He has his hand tangled in my hair and he holds onto it tightly, shooting pain into my scalp. I start to shake with fear. He's not in a dream. He's here. Right now. In the flesh. Like that night all over again.

My Guardian, Phil // P.LWhere stories live. Discover now