Previous Lord x Reader

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"Miss (Y/N) there you are," Gejutel said as he found the (H/C) haired girl roaming the halls of the Lord's palace.

"Sir Gejutel," the girl smiled, "what can I do for you?"

"You need ask?" The silver haired man sighed a sweat drop forming. (Y/N) giggled.

"Of course, I should've known. But didn't I just leave?" The (E/C) eyed girl said making her way back to the Lord's throne room.

"You called my Lord?" (Y/N)'s (H/L) hair swayed behind her. The Lord's face lit up seeing her.

"(Y/N)!" the blonde who was sitting on his throne threw his arms around (Y/N). She giggled petting his back.

"Let me guess, you want me to sing again?" It was like this everyday.

Ever since she had been abandoned and the Lord adopted her. He found out her talent for singing. He would ask her everyday to sing for him. Sometimes he wouldn't leave her alone. But (Y/N) looked at him as a father figure, and she loved him like he was. The Lord too also loves and adores her. He takes great joy in the fact that (Y/N) and his biological daughter Raskreia get along so well. (Y/N) looks up to Raskreia as a role model.

"You have such a gorgeous voice. I'm sure Gejutel wants to hear you sing too. Maybe we should invite the other clan leaders. Maybe I should invite Raizel and peacock. Maybe we should go visit him," Gejutel coughed. The Lord was going off on a tandem. Again.

With the rest of the clan leaders present along with Raskreia, Raizel and Frankenstein, (Y/N) began to sing. Sitting at the top of the stairs in front of the Lord your dress flowed around you. You continued to sing till night fall. Gejutel was the one who convinced the Lord to give (Y/N) and her voice a break. Much to his dismay he agreed that she needed to rest her voice so he invited her to tea.


So here she is sitting opposite her Lord with Raizel next to her in his house and Frankenstein pouring the tea as he tries to stop his eye from twitching.

"Tell me again why you had to come." Frankenstein tried to contain his hostileness.

"Why are you unhappy that you can't be alone with him?" The Lord smirked and (Y/N) tired to contain her giggles. Poor Raizel was completely confused. Frankenstein glared at the Lord.

"You better pray I didn't poison your tea," he said practically throwing it in his face.


(Y/N) had a never ending smile as she left with the Lord back to the the palace. He was happy that she was happy. Before he meet (Y/N) she was scared and unwilling to get close to anyone. But now she was happy and he was glad.

"Have a good night (Y/N)." The Lord walked her to her room.

"You too, goodnight...father," (Y/N) said kissing his cheek and closing the door. To say she left the Lord stunned is an understatement but he was happy beyond words. It was the first time she had ever said or referred to him as her father.

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