Frankenstein x Noble Test Subject!Reader (Lemon)

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Warning: Non-con, that turns consensual. May contain triggering material.


How long have you been here now? Two days? Two months? Two years? Two hundred years? You've lost count of the days. You've gotten use to the pain and torture. The expierments. The feeling of the scalpel cutting your skin. The poking and prodding, what makes you tick, what makes you scream, cry, beg for him to stop. This has become your ever living nightmare. You wondered if everyone had forgotten about you. Were they even looking for you? You didn't know. You didn't know why you've stopped fighting back. Perhaps his good looks have finally fried your brain cells. Maybe you're only following your instincts as a women to fall for an extremely good looking man.

You sighed to yourself as you sat on the cold brick floor, your arms hanging above your head in chains. You rested your head back. You wondered where he was, you didn't know the exact time but you knew it was around this time. The small crack in the wall producing the only light from the outside.

"...why do I even care. I should be happy."

You talked to yourself. It's become normal. People said talking to and answering yourself meant you were crazy but if you didn't do it you would've gone crazy a long time ago.

Why do you care? Well only you yourself can answer that question.

As the hours passed he still hasn't come. Hasn't come to mock and torment you. To play with your organs. To hear your screams of anguish. The light through the crack has risen, gone, risen, gone, and risen again. It's late afternoon the light beginning to dissipate. Today after the three day of 'freedom' he has returned. By now your body has fully recovered, but it's useless against the magic resistant chain he has binded your wrists. For some reason you were angry. Angry that he left you alone for so long. You hated to be alone.

Rummaging through his papers, he scanned over them or scribbled something down. The position you were in revealed nothing to you. You couldn't see no matter how much you craned you neck.

"I see you haven't tired to run away," his sharp blue eyes pinned you to the wall. You couldn't reply so you looked away.

"You deserve a reward." His footsteps came closer.

He stopped, if you moved you would touch him. You wondered what he was doing until your arms fell to your sides. He had lowered the chain. Your poor arms, sore and numb. You were grateful for the blood flow back into them. He stepped back observing you. You peered into his face. His intentions unknown to you. But they would be clear soon.

"Take off you clothes." Your face paled, another expierment. This is a reward?

But little did you know that, that was not his plan. Sighing you began to undo the buttons to your dirty thin shirt. It served better as a rag than a shirt. It revealed your plump (boob/size) sized breasts. Your nipples had hardened due to the chilliness of the room. Next was your pants. Sliding them off your legs you placed them next to your shirt. You clenched your legs. Even though he has seen you naked nearly everyday, you couldn't bare that look in his eyes. He was like a predator stalking his prey. You also hid your breasts from view looking at you feet.

Frankenstein kicked his shoes off as he removed his white coat. Next was his just dress shirt. The rustling of clothes pierced through your ears and you snapped your head in his direction.

"W-what you doing?" You were panicking.

You finally understood what was happening, and this frightened you more than any expierment ever has. He smirked coming closer to you. You cursed the wall behind your back. You brought your knees all the way to your chest. You couldn't go anywhere. He trapped you. Tears filled your (E/C) eyes.

"You seem to be misunderstanding something dear (Y/N)." He caressed your cheek. It tingled.

"This is your reward." He placed a hand on your knee. Your mind and body screamed, both different.

"I don't want it." You hissed slapping his hand away. You averted your eyes from his well sculpted chest. He frowned.

"Oh but you will."

Spreading your knees apart he pulled you onto your back, your pussy rubbed against his groin. You gasped at the feeling. You couldn't deny it felt good but you didn't want it. Grabbing your arms he pinned them above you. Your body exposed. You were incapable of closing your legs since he was between them. Your face to the side, tears rolled down. Frankenstein trailed butterfly kisses down your neck to your collarbone. Where he nibbled and sucked leaving hickies. You struggled against him. Pulling your arms from his iron grasp was near impossible. You tried kicking him but he only held your legs down. You sobbed, pleading for him to stop. Your pleas falling on deaf ears.

Latching onto your nipple, he sucked grazing his teeth against it. You gasped biting your lip. You refused to give him what he wants. His hand creeped down your thigh. Your body tensed.

"Please stop." Your voice broke.

He rubbed your clit up and down, you shook your head furiously. The feeling was strange. It felt nice. You've never been touched like this before. You wanted him to stop. Plunging his finger in you screamed. You wanted this invading feeling to go away. He grabbed your face connecting his lips with yours.

You were surprised, you hadn't ever expected him to kiss you. But what does the kiss mean? Is he using you for his own selfish needs? Or does he really care about you?

Your heart was racing. You feel different towards him now. He had taken out his finger when he had kissed you. To your shock you missed the feeling. Frankenstein pulled away looking at you.

"(Y/N). I love you. Don't refuse me." His husky voice melted you like butter.

Did you love him back? Was this that feeling? Well certainly you didn't actually hate him, even after. You decided you wouldn't refuse him. Relaxing your body you gently smiled up at him.

"Be gentle." Your voice was below a whisper. He nodded discarding his clothes.

You blushed deeply seeing his length. It wasn't going to fit. You thought you would die. Noticing your nervousness Frankenstein lightly kissed your head.

"Just relax."

Pushing himself inside you, your tears pricked your eyes once again. It hurt terribly. You were being ripped apart. You whimpered as he removed his member from you entering again. He did this a couple times at the same pace to get you used to the feeling. The pain slowly diminished and pleasure took over. You were embarrassed by the sounds of your moans and tried to hide them.

"Let me hear you." He coaxed.

Thrusting deeper into your core you moaned louder. Your back arched off the ground. It felt extremely good. You didnt want it to stop. Connecting his lips once more with yours in a more passionate kiss, you reciprocated. Your tongues fought with each other as he continued to ram himself inside you. The sound of your muffled moans and slapping of skin filled the room. An unfamiliar knot formed in your abdomen. Breaking the kiss you stuttered.

"I-I think I'm c-close.."

"I can feel it, cum for me." He sensually whispered your ear.

Throwing your head back you came on him. Frankenstein grunted feeling your walls convluse around him. He pulled out cumming on your stomach. You both panted heavily. He rested beside you moving your (H/C) locks out your face. After catching his breath he draped your body in his shirt and dressed himself, going to his table. You wondered what he was up to this time. Coming back he unlocked your chains. He picked you up and for the first time in a long time you left that cell and began your new life with Frankenstein.

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